COB Pics

Alexi's having an orgasm. :lol:


You sound like lady laiho...
it scares me :zombie: anyway, i'm NOT Lady_Laiho2 that's for sure.
MARGO^^ спасиииибо!!!!!!!!!!!!! очень рада, нас тут уже трое)))
Alexi's Wild Lady, а третий-то кто?))

btw, lady_laiho is unique xDDD
yaeh but many girls are crazy about Alexi, it's understandable........Yet absolutely everyone in the world is UNIQUE toy know...
третья vikk btw)
^clear eyes, with ligh gets more clear

Я быть не Русский, но я говорю русского
ok, только некоторые слова :p
vikk, а ты откуда?

странно, что так мало народа из россии.
it seems that only few people speak english in russia -_-"
я был рожден в Бразилии, выучил немного русского из-за моей русской семьи =P

i guess bodom is not that famous in Russia
vikk, wow)))
кажется, когда моя учительница отправит меня по обмену в швецию, я выучу немного шведского xD
один язык не достаточно =P

now lets talk in English, before the webfuher kicks our ass :p

Yeah, it's not enough to speak only one language, personally i speak Russian, English, French and Finnisn a bit)
now many people in Russia love COB, and several great kickassing groups are visiting us with concerts...hope COB will please us as well soon ;)
YEEEEAH it's my 13th post here)))))

But backing to the threat, here are the pics (of Alexi of course) the 1st one his eyes are so...well agressive and evil! but in the real life he's white and soft, that's 4 sure))))))) and you can see it in the second pic)) here you go

it's like 2 different sights of that brilliant called Alexi)