COB Pics

that one of hes fat :S how did he...?
anyway, aleksi HAD awesome hair. way back then. but now he fucked with it too much with the color.
Awesome hair:

Alexi looks so girly in the picture.
Yep now Alexi's hair looks not that great...anyway, he's still hot...nvm which color his hair is, when i look at him i'm like :OMG:
and Janne...) well i suppose that's the beer effect u know))
P.S. I'll back in a week, so all the best to each of u, cya in a week, stay cool :kickass:
Very nice one, was in, also your picture from Janne with his funny face :D Nice pics warheart, Alexi had got great hair and still does. I like his dark color, though in that one picture it looked too dark. But now its ok. Alexi is hot, no matter is his haircolor blond or dark brown

Janne, fat? No, just maybe little chubby. And I like it :) He's Janne, our teddybear :p
Janne is now so cute when he's a little bit chubbier. <3 I wouldn't want that too thin Janne back. And actually Jannes belly was not that big anymore at Tuska Open Air and Ruisrock, if I saw right.

Look at this. It's from Tuska. (C) by me.

Hahaha, looks like Alexi is about to say his famous "Dude..." and also like Janne could answer "...what?" !! Hahah. :)
Warherat: Amazing pics!!!! Allu really has a nice smile on the last one and the one where he's jamming and spiitting is so metal.
its the one where he's flipping his hair when it was blonde and i think he's sitting inf ront of harry potter dvds most likely because they were in a record shop doing a promo or something like that because a lot of record shops have dvds too. its speculation so don't take it as fact but thats what i'd assume.