COB Pics

gargh I have about 400 sinergy photos in my folder, and I plan to upload most of them on my site...
about 150 of them came from!!!

If anyone has some time on their hands, would they be able to help me upload some photos on my site; (it was the easiest site maker I could find)
I would be forever greatful!!
gargh I have about 400 sinergy photos in my folder, and I plan to upload most of them on my site...
about 150 of them came from!!!

If anyone has some time on their hands, would they be able to help me upload some photos on my site; (it was the easiest site maker I could find)
I would be forever greatful!!

Post them. No matter how, just post them! :)
i found funny cartoon....








oh and speaking about the link i posted, mention a couple of links after the interview, right at the end of it. there are nice pics, many many, and something about check it out)))
gargh I have about 400 sinergy photos in my folder, and I plan to upload most of them on my site...
about 150 of them came from!!!

If anyone has some time on their hands, would they be able to help me upload some photos on my site; (it was the easiest site maker I could find)
I would be forever greatful!!

Ohshit! Please please just put them all in a .zip or .rar file and upload to something like or or so it's available to download!!!
started doing that and is uploading now. They'll be up later today :)

im still gonna upload them on my site though.

EDIT: my internet is being ghey!! apparently, my allowance has been used up so I'm down to dial-up speed. I'll do it over night... so it will be up tomorrow or something.
I live in Australia, so the times will vary...
started doing that and is uploading now. They'll be up later today :)

im still gonna upload them on my site though.

EDIT: my internet is being ghey!! apparently, my allowance has been used up so I'm down to dial-up speed. I'll do it over night... so it will be up tomorrow or something.
I live in Australia, so the times will vary...

We won't have to download each pic individually, will we? :cry: