COB Pics


There ya go, happy now?:p
(I didn't draw it)
ever touched a hairbrush or a blowdryer? XD

of course it works. i have friends (females) who hate having "thick" hair, so they tell me they get it thinned.

they use a comb-like implement with serrated edges that cuts and thins your hair

1. I brush my hair all the time
2. I'm fully aware what they use
3. It doesn't work with everyone, besides what people you know may have experienced. There are so many variables that can contribute to this.
^ English people in general get very thick hair. I do for one :( But tbh really long, thick and wavy hair can look pwnage and Power Metal :lol:
^ YEAHHHHHHHHH FINALLY!!!!! i thought my attempt had failed...:p:headbang: i totally love the first one :) thanks for no more spice girl forum talk :lol:
lol when you get your hiar permed or whatever the fuck your're not supposed to wash it for atleast 2 days. I get my hair straight permed (i think thats what its called)