COB Pics

again we are talking about hair here :lol: but yes it happend with long hair mine is in my face all the time XD (nose, mouth, eyes haha) and well Alexi puked over Roope's foot once for got hair in his mouth after a violent headbang :lol:
in your nose to?

yeah, true it does! like yesterday, got my hair clipped and streaked with blonde. the lady, she just started blowdrying my hair and wouldn't let me move it away from my face. and i got really thick hair, so it got either in my nose or mouth when i tried breathing. it also got in my eyes.
again we are talking about hair here :lol: but yes it happend with long hair mine is in my face all the time XD (nose, mouth, eyes haha) and well Alexi puked over Roope's foot once for got hair in his mouth after a violent headbang :lol:

Shall we make an official Hair Thread?

and Love janne
lol ive got very Thick hair to but mines is not Straight tobad its crulling

and when i was a little boy i had straight hair i wounder why it changed :-(

need to buy a Straighter soon and maby i m gonna make my hair thin

my hair is getting very long now so why not a little dead end cut aswell :p
Is he crying??

Its possible that he doesnt really cry, the tears just come. I have some problem with my eyes, suddenly the tears start to fall with no reason. Its fucking annoying.

Here you are just talking about hair :D
Shall we make an official Hair Thread?
and Love janne
lol ive got very Thick hair to but mines is not Straight tobad its crulling
and when i was a little boy i had straight hair i wounder why it changed :-(
need to buy a Straighter soon and maby i m gonna make my hair thin
my hair is getting very long now so why not a little dead end cut aswell :p

why not make a hair thread?
and about tears, when i yawn tears come even if i'm not sad
Its possible that he doesnt really cry, the tears just come. I have some problem with my eyes, suddenly the tears start to fall with no reason. Its fucking annoying.

Yeah, I got that same problem, especially in the morning and I've just woken up, tears just stream down my face because my eyes are too damn sensitive. It's really really irritating!