COB Pics

Yes it does, it really feels like shit if you have something else in your eye together with contact lens. :ill:

Yeh, it really sucks. Tears keep falling, it might hurt and you just try to blink your eyes to get it off, what ever it is.

Ok, should we make official eye-thread, too? :D
Sooo.. Pictures people?? Everyone loves random discusions but dont pollute our piks thread with off -topicness..

So why don't you then post some pictures instead of complaining? :err:

I don't have anything new but I haven't seen these around for a while...




Havent seen the first picture, I mean the big one. I really like it :) I like the second one too, nice lights. makes Alexis hair look black though.
That thing is probably stick that is used to hold sausages when grilling them on the fireplace and I think he is stirring some kind of blueberry soup drink (there is blueberry soup carton on the table). Funny picture :lol: :lol:.