COB Pics

Thanks :)
Gainbooster again????

Check the link, is a really detailed pic of Alexi while soloing with the Arrowhead at the Astoria, and amongst the scratches and a LOG sticker, we can find.... the gainbooster! What do you think? Blackouts for studio and EMG's gb for live? Pink Sawtooth Blackouts and Arrowhead EMGs and gb? Or he just didn't remove it when putting the Blackout but didn't use it?

How bout I say this;

I busted my ass looking for the lost Sinergy photos from their old site. I couldn't find all of them, but I had found alot of photos that some people never had the chance to see, until I found them.
All the countless hours I spent on the web archive, AND google, AND SEVERAL OTHER SEARCH ENGINES, trying to find over 400 photos not just for myself, but for all the sinergy fans out there... and you won't give something back?

For shame... :erk:

Maybe I should stop trying to be nice. Agreed?

EDIT for the others: Thanks for the Astoria gig photos. They're nice! :)

Fully agreed.

Why are saying that? :erk:

Because Fastbodom claims to have high quality Sinergy pics but doesn't want to share.
Gainbooster again????

Check the link, is a really detailed pic of Alexi while soloing with the Arrowhead at the Astoria, and amongst the scratches and a LOG sticker, we can find.... the gainbooster! What do you think? Blackouts for studio and EMG's gb for live? Pink Sawtooth Blackouts and Arrowhead EMGs and gb? Or he just didn't remove it when putting the Blackout but didn't use it?

Because Fastbodom claims to have high quality Sinergy pics but doesn't want to share.

First of all. i Gave 1 picture away here. its somewhere up (with the green Pinstripe guitar) . than about his ESP Arrow

it still have the EMG HZ in that guitar.
Then don't boost about them. If you're not going to share don't go ''I have better quality and size pics, but won't share''.

@Stonecoldsoul07: I do have it (I even printed it and is hanging on my wall, :lol:), I'll try to find it and post it.