COB Pics


Isn't that Henkka in the background?
Bunnyteeth are bunnyteeth... I decided not to ruin the work with overuse of the rubber(because that's what I usually do) and left it like that.

What do I like in his jeans? Maybe what's *inside* of them...:D just joking.
I just simply like jeans like that, they're normal. (many jeans are so weird today, especially girls' jeans, they have all kind of butterfly and flower-shit. :yuk: )
The-Petoniemi said:
Bunnyteeth are bunnyteeth... I decided not to ruin the work with overuse of the rubber(because that's what I usually do) and left it like that.

What do I like in his jeans? Maybe what's *inside* of them...:D just joking.
I just simply like jeans like that, they're normal. (many jeans are so weird today, especially girls' jeans, they have all kind of butterfly and flower-shit. :yuk: )

Yeah, I know what u mean about the jeans, and I agree with u! Plain jeans!

And about ur draw: very good! I also agree that the teeth could be improved... But hey, next time it'll be perfect! Keep on! ;)
Thanks for honest opinions! I'm still working on a Digital Art-Alexi... We'll see about that then. :) If I ever get it done, I mean(lazy....)