Mistress Of Disaster
Hm, pink suits him...

Thanks for the links, really cool pics there.
Hellyeah it was fun at rockperry. It was intense, here's a clip shot by my brother's friend : http://youtube.com/watch?v=tmmuZxdihcY
At the end of the clip you can see how intense it got.lol: @ my skinny hands)
^ thanks - looks like they were filming it
You're right, it is the ESP SV STD-NT.
@Sampy: You managed to make him wear an other t-shirt than the "guitar player, fingers better" one ! Nice
PLEASE: does anyone know from which dvd/video these caps were taken?
(many weeks ago bodominheaven collected all the pics from the forum and the web and made 4 winrar folders to download, that's where I got them. The name of the caps all starts by pdvd
^Those are not CRY, somewhere in this topic someone told what DVD it
was, but I don´t remember.It can be tuska festival video or something.
Thanks for pics!