COB Pics

2ebe61u.jpg was a different pic before...and I really want to see what was here before that nigga:) Anyone?:Saint:
From S-O-B The band is now on its way home from Japan for a few days of well-earned rest after the consecutive UK, Down Under and Japan tours. They played the same setlist as on the UK report two posts below on most shows of these tours. On the second Tokyo show they mixed it up a bit to keep it more interesting for the fans who bought tickets for both shows in the Studio Coast venue. Here's the setlist from the second night in Tokyo on 06/07/2008, thanks to K-Man.

This K-Man?
K-Man (from SOB):

Kal Kaercher

Kal "K-Man" Kaercher is an important member of Children Of Bodom's current tour crew. He is responsible for the monitor sound on stage. He can be seen in a few pictures at and appears in the thankslists of some Children Of Bodom albums.

He can also be seen in COB TV part 1 where he is sitting behind the mixing table in Sonic Pump Studios during the recordings of "Tie My Rope". In the second part he was behind the camera for some scenes.

K-Man (from SOB):

Kal Kaercher

Kal "K-Man" Kaercher is an important member of Children Of Bodom's current tour crew. He is responsible for the monitor sound on stage. He can be seen in a few pictures at and appears in the thankslists of some Children Of Bodom albums.

He can also be seen in COB TV part 1 where he is sitting behind the mixing table in Sonic Pump Studios during the recordings of "Tie My Rope". In the second part he was behind the camera for some scenes.


Yeah I noticed him on COB TV. But thanx for these infos. :cool: