Thanks, I've always really liked that interview. It's one of the better, and definitely funnier and more entertaining, ones.
Here's a few others, pardon any repeats.
Who's the blonde girl?
(from SOB)
Erna Siikavirta
Erna Siikavirta is a Finnish musician who helped out Children Of Bodom as session keyboard player for their first European tour in 1998. She replaced Janne Warman who couldn't join the band on this tour for personal reasons.
In 1999, she joined the Finnish band Sinergy as keyboard player and background singer. She never appeared on an album of Sinergy and only played a few tours with the band. She had to leave the band when Sinergy decided not to use keyboards anymore.
^ thanks a lot - I've just been watching a YouTube video of the Saarbrucken show, with Alexi wearing that hat!
im stealing...