COB Pics

^Awesome shots Ramis!
//Die sind echt verdammt gut! ;) eigentlich ziemlich geil^^... =D :kickass:

I really would like to have one of these as my new wallpaper, would you mind uploading it for me in better quality please :) :blush:
Would be again ... awesooome :worship:
I wrote you a private message with more information. ;-)

I guess I know what you mean. And I can't express how much I liked to take these face pics. ;-)

Some more live pics:

Wow. Was ich auf den letzten drei Seiten so gesehen habe zählt mit Sicherheit zum besten was es von den Jungs bisher gibt. Du glaubst gar nicht wie glücklich du uns da machst :)
Und warum sieht das in s/w nur noch besser aus..?
Your photographs are really beautiful, Ramis, and all the more so for being in black and white, rather
the more usual full colour; thank you so much for sharing them. Have the guys in the
band seen them - I'm sure they'd be as impressed as we are! :)
Maybe some of you have seen this video before, I've seen it many times and I can't stop laughing :D They're just awesome singers and funny song lol!

Danke sehr. Es freut mich wirklich, dass du die Bilder magst. Nicht jedem gefällt mein Stil zu fotografieren, aber ich finde, ich kann das "Live-Feeling" von COB ganz gut rüberbringen. Ich hoffe natürlich, dass die weiteren Bilder dich ebenfalls glücklich machen. :-)

@rebornfortheHateCrew and happilemon
Like I said before: you're welcome and I hope you enjoy the following pictures.

I've shown Alexi some of them when we met in Berlin (and he signed some for my personal picture-collection :-) ). I guess he liked them. When we meet the next time I'll show some more. After our meeting in Berlin I've shot a lot of pics, they don't know yet. Hope they'll be impressed. :-)

Yeah, I like it too. :-)

Yeah, it was pretty nice. Next time I ask him to sign all 1,500 pictures I shot during the last month. :p No, I won't.

Yes, I'm a photographer for a german newspaper. So taking pictures of musicians is part of my job. But I won't call it "work" to take pics of COB. ;-)