children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
Creepy/crappy pic in general, and extremely ugly design of HZ. Thanks anyway for posting -Mannerheim-, new pics are always welcome, and it's not your fault that EMG fucked up 

Alexi looks like he has a bad hangover and roope looks like Gary holt.
†the italian shredder†;8425963 said:ehi look this... loooooooooooooool
the post above me and the fact that I read somewhere that this thread is described as *awesome* by some people let this question come to my mind : What the heck do you do with those pics. Save them and look at them every now and then?
the bodom-pics were finally added to the graspop-site so i thought i'd post the link here. well actually it's more a Alexi-slide cuz there's no pics from the other guyscry: ) (click 2009 and select bodom)