children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
Good to hear then, yeah. So you have the real deal waiting for the US tour and like a backup which you took to South America?
that jaska has a "COBHC" tattoo on his Wrist‎ ?
Yeah I asked if any other Bodom member has any tatts and these guys pointed that out to me.
Alexi has a new tattoo on his right bicep that says "End of Fucking story" I think, you can see it on those Spinefarm photos does anyone else notice Henkka can't afford shoes XD
Few pics from Monterrey Metal Fest:
And late thanks for your links, Miia!
ani bat 17
and i dont have a clue!
hem tzrichim lavo lekan !!!
i cant believe theres someone from israel in here
i sent you a privet message