awesome pics! you were really close up front huh, I can't imagine being up there for that long because of how ridiculous hot it was. I sat in the balcony basically in the center and had a great view and was able to really watch the show (since I've seen them 7 times already, I don't need to mosh or be super close anymore haha) but thats awesome you got so close, I would've passed out from the heat or something haha.
Yeah I got to the front right when skeletonwitch started playing so yeah I was in the front the whole time. I was more on the right side and as the show went along I got pushed to the middle. Ya it was hot, I guess I'm used to it lol since I always like being in the front at shows, but the security and some bands threw water on us. Ugh I thought I was gonna pass out from being squished the whole time by some annoying kids who kept trying to take my spot in the front, but they never got to the front like they kept saying

A few more pix.