How did I do to delet this pic?Why did you delete the pic![]()
Seriosly, I thought I'd get flamed for that. I reposted it though...I wasn't too sure.
How did I do to delet this pic?Why did you delete the pic![]()
It's internet, don't take it too seriously.I thought I'd get flamed for that.
Image URL says so.Its from hammers website right?
Just as I was feeling warm and fuzzy about bugging Alexi, Right Said Fred’s epically ridiculous hit ‘I’m too sexy’ popped up on VH1 classic. Alexi’s keen instincts honed in on my loathing for that fucking song. So he stood up and cranked the fucking volume to eleven. Check mate Alexi, check fucking mate.
how was it? i didn't go because it was far too expensive and i've seen bodom so many times that the supporting setlist is almost always the same (if they'd just throw in one totally random song each tour that'd be enough to make me have to see them every time!) and i need to be saving money to pay for my bands new album which we're trying to get released by February.
If there's one thing CoB has done it's made it so that if my band ever gets big enough where we're on tons of tours and have fans all around the world I guarantee we will mix up the setlist and play super rare shit (at least one song even on supporting tours). With CoB there are so many songs I'd just kill to see live and most bands just basically stick to the favorites and catchiest songs which I know makes sense for the purpose of live when you're trying to attract new fans with your material but for the old fans just throw something in! In Flames I have the same problem with, they hardly ever play old stuff (which is what I like the most) though I will give them credit in that they usually do add in 1 totally different old song per tour which is actually a great idea; every time In Flames comes by I go see them because I'm so excited to see those 1 or 2 old songs that I've been dying to see to complete my collection of old songs I've seen (Jotun, Food for the gods, Worlds within the margin, morphing into primal; i'm trying to have seen every song off whoracle and am slowly but surely getting there and episode 666 was an easy one haha).
Most people may not be aware, but Alexi has a second female in his life His 74′ Dodge Monaco named Monica
i was looking at pictures a girl took of my bands most recent show and maybe i'm crazy but in one of the pictures my pose and demeanor looks almost EXACTLY like an old cob pic i saw, check it yourself:
no idea how that happened but its pretty spooky i think haha