COB Pics

i was looking at pictures a girl took of my bands most recent show and maybe i'm crazy but in one of the pictures my pose and demeanor looks almost EXACTLY like an old cob pic i saw, check it yourself:

no idea how that happened but its pretty spooky i think haha

Yeah i like the solo too...what i meant is that the structure of the song and (especially the chorus at 0:11 reminds me of Tie My Rope chorus)

Totally. The whole sounds reminds me of Hatecrew, as well. The cleanness of the tone and melodies, but still heavy. It's pretty goooooooooood!
I am here to beg for pics again, instead of diggint through all five thousand pages. @_@ I need a picture of Alexi looking slighty creepy and very aggressive and scary. What I'm doing is a broken mirror, and you're viewing Alexi through the shattered glass. He's supposed to still look like his fist is pressed against the glass. What I've done is take a picture of myself with my fist against a mirror, just to get the perspective and forshortening, superimposed the broken glass over that, and what I'll do is just draw in Alexi instead of myself. So, something like...all that rage is inside, but he's trying not to let you see it? Any help...?
SKO is the best I've heard from them since Trashed, Lost & Strungout. Need to hear the whole thing before saying more. Even SKO seems kinda straightforward... even tho fuckloads better than that bubblegum piece of thrash metal with a lovely chorus that promises a lot (WIWI).
Every now and then there's some fucker in a bar who wants to attack a rock star, truly sad really. Then again they're responsible themselves where to go, drinking in underground bars is stupid enough even without being a rockstar.
Every now and then there's some fucker in a bar who wants to attack a rock star, truly sad really. Then again they're responsible themselves where to go, drinking in underground bars is stupid enough even without being a rockstar.

that wasnt the story. he was being drunk and he was ontop of an driving Car roof, then he felt of it while the car was driving or something like that