Too me it looks like the James Hetfield ESP Snakebyte signature. (Or an ESP EX in white)Why daniel doesn't use a V?
Wow a Kelly:O Is that green RR? I can't see it's colours right, but probably an amfisound custom one or another jackson
Aha, so not really. If I was him, I would really bring this one, just to show off
I like ESPs more. IMO both the pin stripes and the head stock on the ESPs look cooler. Also, at least when comparing an ESP SV STD and an RR24, I found the ESP to be better. The slightly larger SV shape fits my lap better than the Rhoads shape and the SV had a better neck than the RR24 (The RR24 had a somewhat "sticky" neck so moving my hand up and down the neck was a nuisance. The ESP had a really slick neck, so sliding my hand along the neck was much easier). I did like the RR24 though. I was REALLY close to buying it right on the spot after trying it. Basically the neck was the only reason I didn't.The whole band should just go back to using Jacksons. It's the coolest metalguitars ever and suit Alexi so well!
I'm sure they could work out a deal so that he makes money with them too!
I like ESPs more. IMO both the pin stripes and the head stock on the ESPs look cooler. Also, at least when comparing an ESP SV STD and an RR24, I found the ESP to be better. The slightly larger SV shape fits my lap better than the Rhoads shape and the SV had a better neck than the RR24 (The RR24 had a somewhat "sticky" neck so moving my hand up and down the neck was a nuisance. The ESP had a really slick neck, so sliding my hand along the neck was much easier). I did like the RR24 though. I was REALLY close to buying it right on the spot after trying it. Basically the neck was the only reason I didn't.
Yeah, it's the only real comparison I could make between the two companies. Or the best one anyways as the RR24 is the best Jackson I've ever played. I'm pretty sure the ESP has a satinized neck (At least it's not painted) and it indeed is great.Well, you're comparing discontinued mid-range Jacksons with current upper range ESPs. Pro and USA Jacksons come these days with a satinized neck which is just wonderful to play. And I have zero respect for Japanese companies that haven't done a single original contribution to the industry but rob everyone else's ideas and profit off them shamelessly.