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Hey guys, speaking of Edwards, I am saving money to get one of those nice Alexi models. So far I have around 850 bucks, trying to sell one or two more guitars to have more. Anyways, you know that different models have different pickup configurations, so I wanna ask which one works the best? Those of you who tried or have these guitars, I'd appreciate a bit of help :)
Good choice, Edwards are great. I have the E-AL 166 Blacky model which I bought in late 2011. It has a SD Blackout connected to a MM-04 but you probably knew that. I run it through a Blackstar Ht-5, which might not be the best amp for the music but I can't have anything louder.

I have a few guitars with EMG pickups and I prefer the Blackout, it feels more alive and not as sterile or weak, and it's not as common as the EMG's. The MM-04 is unnecesarry with this pickup though and I rarley use it because it mostly create excess noise and the pickup itself give enough gain. And the MM-04 doesn't give that ''wah'' effect as the JE-1000. Personally I'm not a fan of active pickups but this one is allright. And I have no experience at all with the Alexi BBQ-model/signature or what they are called so can't help you on that.
ive got the arrowhead (wich is now discontinued and rare) and the scythe, the arrowhead plays best. but any of them with non painted neck is awesome, the scythe has a painted neck and for some reason it does plays superb but not as good as the arrowhead does. if i ever come across the Pinky id probably buy it straight away !
Good choice, Edwards are great. I have the E-AL 166 Blacky model which I bought in late 2011. It has a SD Blackout connected to a MM-04 but you probably knew that. I run it through a Blackstar Ht-5, which might not be the best amp for the music but I can't have anything louder.

I have a few guitars with EMG pickups and I prefer the Blackout, it feels more alive and not as sterile or weak, and it's not as common as the EMG's. The MM-04 is unnecesarry with this pickup though and I rarley use it because it mostly create excess noise and the pickup itself give enough gain. And the MM-04 doesn't give that ''wah'' effect as the JE-1000. Personally I'm not a fan of active pickups but this one is allright. And I have no experience at all with the Alexi BBQ-model/signature or what they are called so can't help you on that.

ive got the arrowhead (wich is now discontinued and rare) and the scythe, the arrowhead plays best. but any of them with non painted neck is awesome, the scythe has a painted neck and for some reason it does plays superb but not as good as the arrowhead does. if i ever come across the Pinky id probably buy it straight away !

Thanks guys, those were the answers I needed, I found Blacky for okay price, 900 something, I just need to save some more money :)
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Hey, @Fastbodom
what's the difference between your Wildchild Replica and the yellow black RR24, isn the first one has made from an RR24?
Well the Wildchild replica ive made myself isnt anything alike the RR24.
Well it has the same materials going on but my wildchild has a Tilt neck just like alexi's and not like the RR24. so that means an Floyd rose raised above the body (non recessed floyd rose cavity) mostly next to that its all a like, 1 Pickup Rear loaded electronics, my Green pinstripe replica is the one wich is based on an RR24





Oh and this one just to show off :D
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Well the Wildchild replica ive made myself isnt anything alike the RR24.
Well it has the same materials going on but my wildchild has a Tilt neck just like alexi's and not like the RR24. so that means an Floyd rose raised above the body (non recessed floyd rose cavity) mostly next to that its all a like, 1 Pickup Rear loaded electronics, my Green pinstripe replica is the one wich is based on an RR24





Oh and this one just to show off :D
The last picture is epic :D
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The guitars aren't company made? What? :D Seriously, if those guitars are handmade by you, you really could become a guitar builder for a living.
Just the wildchild replica is made from scratch, green pinstripe is an repainted customized rr24 wich ive repainted myself, removed the plastic inlay in the fretboard and replaced it with real mother of pearl, and replaced the black neckbinding with white binding,

Yellow rr24 and the edwards guitars are bought as they where