COB Pics

Fatalized said:
Jag får se när jag har tid över. Har för tillfället allt som oftast två prov i veckan och vem vet hur länge det fortgår. Close-Up artikeln tror jag inte att det stod så mycket nytt i men som sagt, om jag får tid över. Det i SwedenRock har jag visst missat men jag ska kolla upp det.

Kanske inte stog så mycket nytt, men ändå 3 sidor, kunde va kul för dem och läsa. vet inte om nyaste SwedenRock släppts... annars kommer den snart.
Bebli said:
I don't think so... It looks more like his borther or relative or something... They got the same eyes, same eyebrows... :?

Maybe COBHC Webmaster could tell us... ;)

I can tell you as well: it's definately NOT his brother...;)
Missery said:
I can tell you as well: it's definately NOT his brother...;)

So just to clear all the doubts, some time ago a guy told me this guy was his brother, but i didn't believe... So, is he??
Thanks in advance Missery! :p

Miaka said:
was this wacken 2004? I was there too...and I was so close to them but I couldn´t get an autograph =( cause they were only 1 hour there :/
I didn't get any autographs either, they left right before it was my turn to get autographs :mad: I was so pissed off I had J.B.O. sign my COB booklet :D But then I got tons of photos and actually I enjoy them even more than an autograph, so it's alright. Great you guys like my piccies, too!

PS: What happened to the forum? Now I need to change my name to Midnightgreenshade! o_O