COB Pics

The first pic is mine:p

Then I've probably found it from here. ^^' I have almost 3000 pics of COB in my computer so I really can't remember where I've found them all. :D

And you've seen them 9 times??!! Shit, I'm jealous. I've seen them only 2 times live, and after the secend show what I saw (unholy alliance Helsinki) I had a little talk with them all. ^^ And then I've seen Alexi three times somewhere else, Roope two times and Janne and Jaska once.
Then I've probably found it from here. ^^' I have almost 3000 pics of COB in my computer so I really can't remember where I've found them all. :D

And you've seen them 9 times??!! Shit, I'm jealous. I've seen them only 2 times live, and after the secend show what I saw (unholy alliance Helsinki) I had a little talk with them all. ^^ And then I've seen Alexi three times somewhere else, Roope two times and Janne and Jaska once.

:lol: Probably!! Glad you liked it,though!:)
I have like 10? But dont have any pic in computer, all r in my memorystick (or whatever its called in english) Maybe I should start to collect pictures too :D
This summer I will see CoB live (first time) Oh fuck, why cant it be summer already?!