cob ripoffs


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2002
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does anybody know what website had all of Bodoms ripoffs
that Alexi stole from different stuff like Mozart symphonies and a few other songs. I cant find it.
in SW deluxe they say from where some of the 'ripoffs' were taken
there's Mozart 25 symphony... and some shit else, i will check that later
actually cob is my favorite band and I own all their cds and can play 13 bodom songs with my band. And while learning some of them their have been a few small riffs here and there that are from different movies or symphonies. Black widow has a short riff that is ripped off from beethoven or mozart. Red light in my eyes pt ii's intro is a mozart ripoff. That fast part in bodom after midnight is taken from the navy seals theme from the rock. there are a few others I cant think of right now and some more I probably havent found. nothing big or anything just something i want to know more about.
I read somewhere that towards dead end has some Mozart and Hatebreeder definitly does. A part of the interlude is.

I would never call anything that COB uses from Mozart a "ripoff" It's more of an honor to Mozart. Alexi has talked about how he respects Mozart for being one of the most brilliant writers to date. So please, never say that word again. "ripoff"
And really, every band gets some of their tunes from someone before them. Its what you do with it that counts. And CoB do a good job.;)
Yeah, maybe I shouldn't call it a ripoff. But what else are you going to call it? Even if you have respect and do a good interpretation of what the composer originally wrote you are still using their music without permission (because anyone who wrote music cool enough to steal is already dead) maybe you could call it a tribute or something, but Children of Bodom, no matter how cool they are, doesn't give credit to every artist and song they have used music from. So
i think it´s something "hidden" in purpose

for people to hear and think "hmm... i think i know this..." and then eventually find out where it is from.

It was really cool when i heard Tokyo Warhearts for the first time and said "hey! Wait a minute! This is from The Rock!!!'
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
i think it´s something "hidden" in purpose

for people to hear and think "hmm... i think i know this..." and then eventually find out where it is from.

It was really cool when i heard Tokyo Warhearts for the first time and said "hey! Wait a minute! This is from The Rock!!!'

What song was that ?