COB @ RockPerry '05, Finland, New pics

NOW it finafuckinglly worked!:) But I had done teh copy and paste before and it didn't work then.
Nice piccies Jesse, thx for sharing!
Wow, those are cool! It's great to see them rev up the crowd! Thanks for sharing! :)
psycho88 said:
here are mine (actually my dad took them). i have a ton of videos from rockperry and tuska. how do i post them?

get some webspace (like lycos tripod) and post the links here. or simply email them to the interested users. like me ( )
\m/Jason\m/ said:
Or upload them to Rubens FTP

And then we all d/l them with Rubenios having only 1Mbit upstream? No thanks.

Someone just upload them to a server with no BW limits and everyone can get their files at full speed.