Cob/Symph X likeness

OO YEAHH and COB's Oops I did it again sounds like a Britney Spears song.....can't remember that one either....
<-Warheart-> said:
Yer, I take little licks/harmonies from Bodom songs and use them in my own compositions.

hahaha, props to you man. but c'mon, be a man and let's see if you can do some original compositions that beat alexi's :cool:
I think that the biggest difference between Bodom and Symphony X is that Alexi has started to cater towards the American Hardcore scene (HCDR especially). It seems as though he is trying to write commercially successful music, rather than technically superb music anymore. Symphony X, on the other hand, has taken its sweet ass time on this new album. Romeo has taken so much time that he actually lost his ESP deal, and you know what, he doesnt give a shit. Romeo raises the bar on every album, and I don't know if I can say that about Alexi anymore, perhaps he is too into booze and MTV to care about the music.
^ those are some depressing thoughts...i hope alexi hasn't given into the american hardcore scene, cuz the music that we consider "hardcore" these days sucks ass. and what's up with all this metalcore shit?! wtf? anyway, alexi was at least once a mastermind at composition/stealing other people's shit...let's see if he can do it again with the upcoming never know, he may just surprise us and go back to the sweet neo-classical sound and mix with some other musical elements (hopefully not industrial or "hardcore")
Bullet for my Valentine?! where the fuck did you hear that from. that's disgusting if he picks up that album. as for SOaD, they're pretty cool. especially their self-titled album. it was their first and their best. i doubt they'll ever beat that cd.
Well he didn't say for sure but it was on this listening interview thing and they playing him Bullet and he said it was ok and he might check it out when he gets time.