CoB @ The Downtown - LIVE BOOTLEG (More info!)

where i live, you can leave your house unlocked 24/7 and nothing would ever be stolen.

but whatever we could argue about this forever. I was just being an asshole cause its fun! So im no longer arguing.
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
where i live, you can leave your house unlocked 24/7 and nothing would ever be stolen.

but whatever we could argue about this forever. I was just being an asshole cause its fun! So im no longer arguing.

You are one lucky bitch, I'd love to be able to do that.
A lot of people leave their doors unlocked where I live. Nothing happens. I can't think of a residential door that can't be fucking kicked in anyway so what's the difference?
You want something else to start shit with me for? As of today, I have two Children of Bodom tattoos. I want a Laiho RR because playing guitar is VERY fucking important to me and I would suck balls if I didn't spend 2 years copying a bunch of Laiho and Latvala licks. Beat the shit out of paying for lessons and seems to have put me ahead of a lot of people that have.
gkelter said:
You want something else to start shit with me for? As of today, I have two Children of Bodom tattoos. I want a Laiho RR because playing guitar is VERY fucking important to me and I would suck balls if I didn't spend 2 years copying a bunch of Laiho and Latvala licks. Beat the shit out of paying for lessons and seems to have put me ahead of a lot of people that have.
Playing guitar is very fucking important to me too, but I dont understand why youd want to limit your tone capabilities with only one bridge pick up? I mean, does playing blues classical jazz and other shit only mean something to me here? I mean I get off on playing metal and lots of it, but being a musician isnt just about making metal.
And as long as you dont have COBHC tattooes accross your knuckles, its all good man. Other wise id cut your fingers off and then youd have to kill yourself because you wouldnt be able to play guitar anymore. I mean, Id rather die than lose my fingers.
gkelter said:
A lot of people leave their doors unlocked where I live. Nothing happens. I can't think of a residential door that can't be fucking kicked in anyway so what's the difference?

Unlocked = Unforced entry = no insurance claim at the end
Locked = Force Entry = Insurance payout

I have 3 other guitars. I have plenty of tone capabilities. I really want a 24 fret rhoads. I like the Laiho RR. It looks nice. I'm not going to stick the wild child sticker on the guitar. I just thought it would be cool to stick one on my amp with the Jackson sticker I have on it. Not really that big of an issue, I don't think. I can get a Laiho RR for $2500. That's cheaper than getting just a normal 24 fret RR1 made.
The bootleg looks pretty good,

I don't see what your problems with Gkelter are, i traded with him once i believe, he seemed like a pretty good guy then. but anyway, i guess thats what we get for letting scotish people have internet connections.

Main point is, I dont give a shit.
Kreatoruk said:
The bootleg looks pretty good,

I don't see what your problems with Gkelter are, i traded with him once i believe, he seemed like a pretty good guy then. but anyway, i guess thats what we get for letting scotish people have internet connections.

Main point is, I dont give a shit.

He shouldn't be near this fucking board then if he can't take a joke or an insult, for fuck's sake, it's not like he's been the only one ever.
And about the door issue, yea I dunno just saw it haha. Wasn't trying to instigate anything. Just being an asshole too haha. Things get boring sometimes at 1am when you don't have money for gas and work starts at 8. So yea haha, I wouldn't have argued it anyways, cause I just saw that shit on that documentary and it blew my mind. Damn Canadians. Even where I live has been overrun by.. Brooklyn New York.. Nothing is safe anymore.
Haha. I live in a shitty rural town. Nothing to do ever.. At night. Except hang out with friends, drink, cause a ruckus, or play guitar. I am doing choice 4 right now, cause it's the most productive haha.

We have nowhere to go but a Main St., which sucks... Any town that has a Main St. blows, because it means it's the only source of entertainment in the whole 100 mile radius of the area.. And.. The stores usually close (except for bars) at like 7pm... Haha.. I hate where I love. Or at least not being 21.. I hate them both.