
Nov 15, 2007


Date of post update for the fifth installment: 10th of June, 2011.

I'm new here!

I'd recommend you to go to the last pages of this thread to read when done with the first post (this one), as most of the first pages here are from COBOT: The Album IV.

What is COBOT: The Album?

COBOT: The Album is an online album we host every now and then. The concept is that we set a deadline, and everybody who signs up chucks in a song of their own.

Who can join?

Everyone with the ability to compose and record a song.

Does it have to be metal?

Nope! But this IS a metal board, so expect mostly metal. All genres are welcome, we need some fresh air!

But I need [thing that I can't do] in my song!

Check below for a list of people that can maybe help you with that.

Okay, I got it! How do I join?

Post a post stating that you want to join, and i'll put you on the list. Further details will be provided when nearing the deadline.


This is the list of people contributing with a song for COBOT: The Album Chapter 5.
  • Ensi
  • Flappy
  • TheKid
  • Crzy_Aus
The list is going to be color-coded. So when we set the deadline and everybody gets to work, update me on the status of your song. You can do that by simply posting one of the below.

Composing: In the process of composing your song.
Composed: Is done composing but haven't started recording yet.
Recording: Currently in the process of recording.
Recorded: Done recording, but not mixed/mastered.
Completely done: Composed, recorded, mixed/mastered and sent to me.


Yet to be set.

Wall of shame from COBOT: The Album Vol IV
(people that didn't make it)
  • vikk
  • Necromancer197666
  • Conti
  • eveningninja
  • TheKid
  • The_Butt
  • Jmbullet
  • Knorghul


Here is a list of people that can help you with your song. If you want to be on this list please state what you can help with and possibly a youtube/song link that is relevant to said skill.
  • Ensi: Mixing & Mastering, orchestra, guitar, bass, drums. Song example
  • Crzy_Aus: Violins

We also need album art. So if you want you can make it. Please make both front and back covers, listing temporary tracknames and such to showcase font usage etc.

Albums completed so far:
Click to go to the album post page, where you will find download links, track listing and some tabs.

(to download, select mirror 2, the main download link doesn't work)

cox derp

I'm in+composing and I can do:

Vocals (perhaps?derp)
Simple classical guitars
Rhythm and lead guitars (unless you want 100000 bpm omgsweeps)
Bass, most difficulties. Assume I can do what you're asking.
I'm composing my song

What I can do for other people:
Classical style vocals
Advanced keyboards (I can play most Sonata Arctica songs and most COB songs including the solos, so I'll probably be able to play whatever you want me to)
Rhythm guitar (dropped C, D standard and E standard)
Simple lead guitar
I'm so suckish at writing stuff, it takes like 3 weeks to get an idea and then I write a whole song in 3 hours, argh!!
I could compose a song, but there's no way I could record it. If some people are willing to do the recordings for me, I can participate.
I can't do anything :( I always feel left out on these things haha, in fact this is the first time I ever read or posted in the thread I think.
^You have lots of teh tiem

Also to all of you above, added.

But the thing is, nothing comes to me until the last week and then I have to hurry to finish and record it all. I'm not very good at just coming up with good stuff straight away. :erk:
I can't record anything, which sucks, because I occasionally write something worth a shit. I think we should make a rap album too, any idiot working at KFC can do that, without having studio sounding recording equipment.
When i my PC is back and runnin Ill et some kind o recordin shit started.

I wrote somethin to be on Vol1 but never did it, and its lost now.

-This post made without the keys G F X