Coding, Programming, Nerdism

I only know some script languages like Perl, VisualBasic and Powershell. But thats mostly because i'm a network engineer, and most of those scripts are just to make my life easier (implementing thousands of users, checking server status, etc).

I also know enough HTML, CSS and PHP.
What everyone said about learning C/C++ first and get it down solid is 100% true. It's the best possible thing to learn and then move on to other stuff. All other languages after that are basically cake, since you know the important concepts and memory management and how it applies everywhere else. I basically learned Ada95 in under a week and I'm pretty sure I could learn just about anything really fast. Being in software engineering, they don't teach you languages, they teach you how to learn languages.

Btw, it's never too late to start learning. If you're good with logic and you're willing to learn to think in a different way, you're going to have no problem learning how to program.
I started learning visual basic (i think it must have been like 4.0 back then) when I was 10 years old, and I attribute my problem solving skills today to that, which is pretty cool.

I moved on to C++ not long after that but I pretty much hit a wall where I couldn't wrap my mind around how to do really advanced stuff. it seemed like some sort of mystical art to me. oh and pointers made me want to kill myself. I still don't understand them. so I slowly started focusing more on music and here I am today 13 years later!
Currently doing an internship where I've managed to get a bit of work doing software programming. Using Java, SQL and shell to upload 400k files into a database atm. Atm this is the area I want to go into.. good mix between creative and technical, and seems to offer a promising career.. unlike audio engineering :/
I studied programming but I hate it. :D I'm more into networking and security, it's a lot more fun. I haven't write a single code for years. Hooray!
I'm a professional Java developer since 2006, but I've been working mostly on Web oriented stuff (with JavaScript, HTML and some basic CSS), no standalone apps.
Got interested in DSP about 2 years ago and started to build VSTs in Java using the jvstWrapper, then switched to C++ and it has been like a punch in the face, since I never had to work with pointers and "explicit" memory deallocation with Java.
Once started to understand pointers and memory, everything started to become more clear to me. I think I've become a way better programmer since then and rediscovered the fun of programming.
Gotta admit that I'm quite a nerd right now, DSP ruined my life :D

As for the IDEs, I'm using Netbeans for Java and GCC and Visual Studio Express 2010 for audio plugins (faster code than GCC).
What are you guys using?
I've just started getting into Java and C++. It's interesting and immensely satisfying, but at the same time head-smashingly infuriating :lol: Did some BASIC back in the day as well which was fun, but I've forgotten all of it. Still at bare basics for now.
Developing in C and ASM, sometimes C++/Java. I'm in embedded projects mainly. Personally I think both coding stuff to do things you want them to do and electronic circuits development is alot more fun than just plain coding. Especially when for example one makes robots as a hobby(or job for that matter). But I'm learning more HL languages to prepare myself for the market too.

But that could be me being biased, I'm no Computer Sciencist but Electronics Engineer.
I studied CS, never graduated (failed Calculus II three times haha, still don't really see how it was core curriculum but whatever, I had 16 credit hours to go when I bailed for health and other problems). Basically I hate programming. And I also hate networking. About the only shit I really liked was algorithms, analysis of said algorithms, and operating systems concepts. There's two books on algos I'll gladly recommend, but both are definitely not bedtime reading. If you can hack the second were born for this shit (I sure as hell wasn't).



So yeah, all these fad shit script languages come and go (PHP, RoR, Python, although I am guilty of liking python a lot). I enjoyed coding back when they taught me Pascal and C (procedural). When they brought in the OO, data structures, I started to hate it (Particularly with Java and it's C++ like but not quite C++ syntax, I harbor the same resentment for C# too). In reality I blame my degree mill of a uni squarely for wheeling me into classes before giving me the prerequisites. It was all one big disaster and frankly, I'd rather sit at home and play guitar in my free time, and collect money off my measly wage to open my studio/organic farm somewhere up on a mountain.

Although frankly, I'd really like to go back to a PROPER school and get my CS bachelors, possibly a masters too.

Some people love to program. My patchwork education made me stall with frustration at points. I get ideas for pretty killer business software all the time. Just don't have the will or the skill to hammer it out. I went for CS cause I completely and utterly failed at mechanical engineering, and no one was gonna let me do industrial design without a ton of money where I was (what I wanted to study when I was in elementary school anyways).

So not to discourage you in any way, I am a grumpy bastard, but I'm 28 so yeah, there's nothing you can't learn. If you love doing it. And while I don't know shit about software engineering, I can tell you CS isn't really programming. It's much more/better than base codevomit.

If you want a great career, get an engineering degree. A "software engineer" is a cop-out as much as a "sound engineer". These folks ain't engineering jack.
Developing in C and ASM, sometimes C++/Java. I'm in embedded projects mainly. Personally I think both coding stuff to do things you want them to do and electronic circuits development is alot more fun than just plain coding. Especially when for example one makes robots as a hobby(or job for that matter). But I'm learning more HL languages to prepare myself for the market too.

But that could be me being biased, I'm no Computer Sciencist but Electronics Engineer.


And yes an EE is very different from a CS guy.
Netbeans is cool for premade UI modules, but I find it bulky as hell. I prefer Eclipse for Java and Visual Studio 2010 for C++.
Yeah, I'm kinda hating Netbeans now, is really slow although I like its features a lot. I'm seriously thinking to switch (back) to Eclipse, although I remember it was a bit buggy. Newer versions should be more stable, I guess...
I used to program in C++ quite well, but for some reason I stopped. After my last exam this week I have 3 months of no school work so I might start up again :)

All I have to do is find my textbooks on it aha.
Doing applications in c# professionally. Understanding classes was a headache in the first couple of months, I was close to giving up sometimes :lol: Would love to get into vst programming if I had the time. Downloaded the vst sdk from Cubase. Thats a start I guess...
Maybe someone can help explain static vs non-static to me. I still have no idea what I'm doing with regards to that, and if the compiler gives an error I usually just make everything static just to please it. I know it's something like non-static = relies on an object, but I can't wrap my head around it.