Coding, Programming, Nerdism

A static data structure is one that will not change during the course of the problem (running of the program).

Say you have a program that prompts for data at the beginning and uses this one dataset to complete the whole calculation. That's static.

Dynamic is obviously the opposite.
A static data structure is one that will not change during the course of the problem (running of the program).

Say you have a program that prompts for data at the beginning and uses this one dataset to complete the whole calculation. That's static.

Dynamic is obviously the opposite.

Makes sense. And why does the compiler (Java in this case) throw such bitch fits when you try to reference non-static variables from a static context?
Say you're trying to model the four wheels on a car. You have one object, the wheel, and four INSTANCES of this same object. Static methods apply to the object (or in javaspeak, a class), dynamic methods apply to instances of the same object. You have not created an instance and hence the compiler throws up an error, because you are referencing something which doesn't exist.
Thanks for reminding me why I hated Java and OO in general :)

I hope I cleared it up but bear in mind I'm surprising myself here...I must have been traumatized by these same problems and carried them repressed in memory. Ever since I last fired up notepad and command prompt to compile a jar. 7 years ago :lol:
In other words, following the wheel example - you would want to define universal values, such as PI as static(so it could be reused or easily changed, if for example company decided 3.14 is not close approximation enough). You would also create static methods for changing PI or getting its value. Non-static variables would be all properties of our wheel that could depend on the manufacturer for example, like material composition, diameter, width, etc. - in other words, properties of our specific instance of said wheel.
After this summer I'll have 4 classes left until I have a B.S. in Computer Information Systems. It's basically the core software courses of Computer Science mixed with a few business classes.

I've worked with C, C++, C# (both for windows apps and web apps using, Java, SQL/databases in general, ML (hated this one)... I think C++ is powerful and nice to use.... C is powerful but not as easy to work with and much more strict and ambiguous when it comes to compiler errors. It just doesn't seem as refined to me. Writing a Unix command shell prompt with full functionality (piping, signal handling, etc.) from scratch in C for Operating Systems is brutal. Both C# and Java are great for web apps. I find them very similar and easy to work with. SQL/working with databases is pretty easy compared to C and C++ if you can handle those, but advanced database stuff can become tricky to initially figure out.

I find programming extremely annoying and frustrating when I can't get things working for a long time, but it's kinda nice feeling and interesting when you finally get everything working correctly. So, I can't say that I love it really... it irritates the fuck out of me sometimes, but I like computers and technology in general, so I do like some aspects of it, and it pays well.

I know a Master's degree would benefit me a lot more, but I'm pretty much sick of school at this point and ready to be out when I get my Bachelor's.
Glad to see I am not the only one who hates OO and Java. That objects, instance, classes bullshit made me hate programming. I ended up finding a way to get my bachelor in computer science degree and I can't write a simple 'hello world!' app anymore. And can't get a job outside AE too :(
Can anyone recommend a book on algorithms? Hopefully something rather accessible, I just want to get my head into some semi-hard stuff and algorithm design etc
Search for "Numerical recipes in C" as a start, there should be a downloadable pdf somewhere.
You should also check some OO design/architectural patterns (like singleton, factory, mvc, etc.).

LePou said:
Who the hell got you into DSP ?
Damn you and your kickass ampsims!:erk::lol:

Why the hate for OOP, guys? It's awesome imho!
Search for "Numerical recipes in C" as a start, there should be a downloadable pdf somewhere.
You should also check some OO design/architectural patterns (like singleton, factory, mvc, etc.).

Damn you and your kickass ampsims!:erk::lol:

Why the hate for OOP, guys? It's awesome imho!

Cheers man,

Yeah I've got the whole Design Patterns thing pretty much sorted, doing an MVC style application at the moment to put some of the patterns into practice.

And OOP is rad, though I think it'd be nice if Java allowed for dis-embodied methods without having to make an "X-doer" class for absolutely everything.
Glad to see I am not the only one who hates OO and Java. That objects, instance, classes bullshit made me hate programming. I ended up finding a way to get my bachelor in computer science degree and I can't write a simple 'hello world!' app anymore. And can't get a job outside AE too :(

I took a course called Object Oriented Programming, and we used C++ for the entire course. It's definitely not limited to Java. OOP is really useful and efficient. The whole idea of reusing classes saves you a lot of time and allows modifying a program (but using its existing classes) to do other things pretty easily.

An object is just an instance of a class... that's all. Classes are like blueprints/rules defining how an object(s) will work.

There's wayyyy more difficult programming out there than OOP.
Good call on the static stuff lads, that ones been bugging me for a while.

Can anyone recommend a book on algorithms? Hopefully something rather accessible, I just want to get my head into some semi-hard stuff and algorithm design etc

I have two definitive texts on algos in one of my posts. The second of which is well, if you haven't at least heard of it, you cannot claim to be a Computer Scientist (or you were taught CS by the birds in a jungle or some shit). But it is heady material. And much more than a primer on algorithms.

On the subject of OOP, I recommend all of you read some of Edsger Dijkstra's opinion pieces on said approach.
Glad to see I am not the only one who hates OO and Java. That objects, instance, classes bullshit made me hate programming. I ended up finding a way to get my bachelor in computer science degree and I can't write a simple 'hello world!' app anymore. And can't get a job outside AE too :(

You are my hero. Fuck programming haha.
started learning C++ towards the end of school, am in college doing a B.Engg. in Computer Science Engg. been through c, java, python, shell, php, matlab and a lot of cool c++ api's like openCV and openGL. got interested in computer graphics a year ago and am currently interning for dreamworks..
My majorest project (complete) yet:
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I have two definitive texts on algos in one of my posts. The second of which is well, if you haven't at least heard of it, you cannot claim to be a Computer Scientist (or you were taught CS by the birds in a jungle or some shit). But it is heady material. And much more than a primer on algorithms.

On the subject of OOP, I recommend all of you read some of Edsger Dijkstra's opinion pieces on said approach.

Yeah man,
I've heard of those D. Knuth books, I must pull the finger out and actually buy them soon.
They seem to be the programming equivalent of the dead sea scrolls :lol:

Dijkstra keeps popping up as areference in the stuff I'm reading, so that's another lad I must get acquainted with.
I understand how OOP works, and kinda understand its benefits. However, when I got introduced to programming, I first learned some structured languages and I got too used to it and when i first dealt with OOP on college I was like 'WTFWTFWTFWTF!!!?!?!' and automatically hated it . To be fair, I just think programming is not my thing, even tho' I know I could be good if I studied enough.
kvoid, I actually live in Brazil, near the Amazon Forest (google-map Belém, Pará, Brazil), so it wouldnt be totally weird to be taught CS stuff by birds on the jungle lol
I started programming in '98, I bought a bunch of those big books or would stay at libraries for hours reading about C++, VB, SQL, DirectX, OpenGL, game design, etc. When I was 16 a friend and I started a company called Red Dawn Productions and made some shareware and built websites. I also founded a website called Unreal Central back when the original Unreal came out and it got a lot of hits in the day. I gave up on the site after the whole Unreal thing died down. I was also on the team that made the 007 mod for Quake 2 (and some packs like the John McClane pak), I was also helping on Counter Strike when it was a mod for Half Life, and I made a mod and a bunch of maps for Duke3D.

I kind of started losing interest in the whole programming side of computers in my second of year of college, even though I ended up going to DePaul for a computer science degree. Now I have an office job that lets me do pretty much whatever I want (office manager / IT technician) and I do database programming on the side (database programming seems to pay better than most computer jobs). I still haven't settled on a career though, it's tough to think you will be staring at a computer screen for the rest of your life.
I don't get all the OOP hate. It's really not hard to understand (you just have to visualize it properly, or just get someone to explain it to you in a decent way). Objects and classes were invented to represent real world concepts and high level programming lets you straight up code stuff and you don't really have to think about it, you just make it do what it's supposed to do. I absolutely can't stand fucking around with low level shit like memory management and bullshit like that. Car->run() and the fucking car runs. That's it.

Been learning Perl lately, it's pretty cool but VERY different, coming from C++ and Java.