Cold, Neutral, Warm...Repeat?


Nov 14, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I noticed that in terms of production, BWP sounds overall "colder" than D1/D2, which in my opinion sound rather neutral. And Ghost Reveries compared to those albums sound noticeably "warm"...I wonder if Opeth is going to go back to the "cold" sound again...This would go well with Mike saying that the next album would be "disturbing". But then again, his descriptions for future albums are like totally unreliable. I quite actually miss the "cold" Opeth sound...
Ghost has this bright sound about it. Almost like a summer day. I would like them to continue up that path. But i expect to be unexpected with opeth.
I actually find Deliverance to be their most sterile, cold recording. GR is definitely the warmest.
I agree Blackwater Park did have a very unique "cold" sound that added a different atmoshphere than GR. I think Ghost Reveries production sounds too much like every other band out there, while BWP kind of took the atmoshphere of the first two albums and toned the production up to todays standards. The colder production makes it sound much more dark and mysterious.
yeah... its kinda funny. i tend to listen to SL and MAYH and GR during the summer months... I usually listen to BWP during colder months. its a bit odd isnt it?

im 100% the same. Although in my case, it's very hard to listen to any Opeth in the summer time. I just dont feel it as much as i would in autumn/winter.
I think that this shows that everyone hears in different ways. I would never describe Ghost Reveries as 'warm'. I would say warm is bassy, immediate, open. 'Cold' is distant, tinny, restrained.
I would'nt say that GR is a "warm" album, it simply isn't heavily edited and played with (soundwise) with effects as BWP. I really loved the special sounds on bwp, but hey, it's all steven wilson there.