Colin Richardson - BFMV 'Venom' snare drum sound


Apr 5, 2013
London, England
Beautiful snare drum tome! Extremely "in your face" sound?
Any ideas what type of snare (or snares blended together, haha!) is that?
pretty sure my mate was runner on this while he was at Metropolis studios. this looks like metropolis live room for sure so could well be a clue.

A ton of photos on this link, presumably they either tried all those snares out, or switched between them. I'd imagine that neve sidecar got tons of use.... Also notice the maselec EQ, GML, pultec.!Bulle...pressorLimiter/c1czm/54f0b3e30cf2520980363aeb

Colin is known to blend samples from the alesis D4, all the information you may need is out there.....




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From what I know of Colin the snare is most likely a certain percentage augmented by any combination of 5-6 of his favorite snare samples.
I'd imagine that was probably on either the drum bus, rooms or mix bus..... They're pretty expensive and arguably best suited there. Pretty awesome collection of gear!

It was on the Drum Bus. I spoke to Simon, the guy who makes them when we got that exact same unit (signed by Colin and Carl!) in our studio to demo and do a video on.

ah that's very cool! is the video available?

I've been using the uad Fairchild on my parallel drums for a while, very rare that anything budges it. Would love to know how that hardware sounds. Pretty sure cenzo is a big fan too?

Sure is! :) Not used on anything remotely metal sounding, but we tried it on a variety of instruments.

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This is bananas! Maybe i should just post pictures every time we set a kit up ;) (v. weird seeing pics of my gear and hand writing!)

Glad you guys dug the tones.... we were stoked on them too...from memory:

Overheads - side car
rooms - side car..... i'm pretty sure we popped some through a ssl bus comp (usually do)
toms - side car and loads of eq (its really soft so you can go to town)

.... worth mentioning that my sidecar is INSANE - seriously lovely to track through.... couldn't recommend it high enough

Then kick and snare was Api, (snare through pultec and kick through a 8200)

2 mics on the kick, in and out.

We ran two sets of overheads - km184's (normal position) and a set of Rode K2's (higher)
in the mix we swapped between the two for different sections..... its was rad to have the choice. We tracked the higher set through the 670 and they sounded bloody lovely on tom sections etc.

my fav tweak to our normal setup was the 52's on the floor toms instead of 421's..... worked much better.

Worth mentioning too that Moose plays open handed and consequently may be the hardest snare hitter i've worked with... so there is more snare in the rooms and overheads than usual - and that is a massive part of the snare sound on the record.
