
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Okay people, i know this was mentioned on the thread about NIGHTWISH actively seeking a new vocalist, but in my opinion i think Colleen needs her own thread. So let's all get on board and convince her to apply and audition. She has all the qualities they are looking for and more. If you haven't heard her sing then go to her website and give a listen. :headbang:
Unless they drop the "we are pretty metal" act, I don't think I will ever care for Nightwish. their latest announcement in the singer search lowered my respect for them even further with this statement:

We are looking for the obvious: Looks ...
and went on to list other qualities, but this even being mentioned, let alone capitalized and first of all, shows a really shallow commitment to music and a penchent for spectacle. With a statement like that, they've got more in common with *nsync than metal.
Kenneth R. said:
Unless they drop the "we are pretty metal" act, I don't think I will ever care for Nightwish. their latest announcement in the singer search lowered my respect for them even further with this statement:

and went on to list other qualities, but this even being mentioned, let alone capitalized and first of all, shows a really shallow commitment to music and a penchent for spectacle. With a statement like that, they've got more in common with *nsync than metal.

Tarja wasn't that great looking, and neither are the rest of the band members.

Very cool of you to be so supportive... thanks!

I am debating the possibility of sending in an audition pack... but have yet to come to a decision. For anyone who's gone to my personal site, yes it's Adult Contemporary type stuff. Using the material there as a gauge for being a good fit for Nightwish might not be the best recommendation (even though they did state they are looking in to a variety of styles including pop). Ironically, the solo singer/songwriter stuff I do isn't anything like what I'm in to. ;) There is a Persephone's Dream track from last year's ProgPower Sampler up on my myspace page if anyone is interested in a bit heavier side to what I do. There's also a REALLY heavy track on Marcel Coenen's current release, "Colour Journey" (Traumatized to the Bone) if anyone's interested in hearing that. Last but not least, I'm also going to be providing lead vocals on one track for the next Pantommind release, "Lunasense". My reason for stating all of this is, quite frankly, I'd rather not have people judge my voice based on only one type of style. There's a lot more to me than that. ;)

I, too, am taken back by the 1st requirement the band decided to list as "looks". Unfortunately, it's part of being a female performer in this industry. Whether that makes the band less focused on the music? Couldn't say. I personally believe they are just being straight up in their expectations, and with what the public is going to be expecting of whoever they choose to fill the position. It's a friggin' soap opera no matter how you look at it, which is one of the biggest reasons for the internal debate. On the bright side, sending in something could help out the projects I'm working on and have been working on, if the guys decide they like what they hear.

So... if I do do this... how 'bout some recommendations for a Nightwish song to cover?
Kenneth R. said:
Unless they drop the "we are pretty metal" act, I don't think I will ever care for Nightwish. their latest announcement in the singer search lowered my respect for them even further with this statement:

We are looking for the obvious: Looks ...

and went on to list other qualities, but this even being mentioned, let alone capitalized and first of all, shows a really shallow commitment to music and a penchent for spectacle. With a statement like that, they've got more in common with *nsync than metal.

I think the music determines what a band has anything in common with... not press statements. And even as press statements go, I can't blame them for acknowledging reality in their statement... the simple fact is, this is their career... and as a rock band with a female vocalist, it's going to hurt their career to hire an unattractive female vocalist. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it is reality.

And even if that makes you "lose respect" for them... what does that matter? I don't know about you, but the reason I listen to music is to enjoy the music... not because I like the musicians. There are plenty of musicians who I respect personally, but I don't like their music at all... and likewise, there are lots of musicians who are complete assholes, but I still like their music a lot.
Good ones to cover:

Over the Hills and Far Away


But honestly. Based on your voice, I really recommend you cover something from Andrew Borgoni/Earthcubed. I really think you'd fit that well, and it would show your abilities.

And no matter what. If you are doing a cover. Make sure you don't try to sound like Tarja. Sound like yourself, with your own style.

13ShadesofGray said:

Very cool of you to be so supportive... thanks!

I am debating the possibility of sending in an audition pack... but have yet to come to a decision. For anyone who's gone to my personal site, yes it's Adult Contemporary type stuff. Using the material there as a gauge for being a good fit for Nightwish might not be the best recommendation (even though they did state they are looking in to a variety of styles including pop). Ironically, the solo singer/songwriter stuff I do isn't anything like what I'm in to. ;) There is a Persephone's Dream track from last year's ProgPower Sampler up on my myspace page if anyone is interested in a bit heavier side to what I do. There's also a REALLY heavy track on Marcel Coenen's current release, "Colour Journey" (Traumatized to the Bone) if anyone's interested in hearing that. Last but not least, I'm also going to be providing lead vocals on one track for the next Pantommind release, "Lunasense". My reason for stating all of this is, quite frankly, I'd rather not have people judge my voice based on only one type of style. There's a lot more to me than that. ;)

I, too, am taken back by the 1st requirement the band decided to list as "looks". Unfortunately, it's part of being a female performer in this industry. Whether that makes the band less focused on the music? Couldn't say. I personally believe they are just being straight up in their expectations, and with what the public is going to be expecting of whoever they choose to fill the position. It's a friggin' soap opera no matter how you look at it, which is one of the biggest reasons for the internal debate. On the bright side, sending in something could help out the projects I'm working on and have been working on, if the guys decide they like what they hear.

So... if I do do this... how 'bout some recommendations for a Nightwish song to cover?
Cheiron said:
Good ones to cover:

Over the Hills and Far Away


But honestly. Based on your voice, I really recommend you cover something from Andrew Borgoni/Earthcubed. I really think you'd fit that well, and it would show your abilities..

Thank you. :) Was thinking of Nemo, will check out the others more carefully..

Cheiron said:
And no matter what. If you are doing a cover. Make sure you don't try to sound like Tarja. Sound like yourself, with your own style.

Amen!! Wouldn't even be considering this if they were looking for a Tarja clone.
Really, anyone blindsided by the fact that Nightwish is considering looks as one of the main attributes in a new singer really needs to wake up.

Like it or not, this is a business, an industry. Nightwish's fan base would probably be 50-75% less if they had some 400 lb person on stage. Lots of fans are won over from a band by the live performance - and face it, metal is not an opera concert. They're a metal band that needs a frontman (woman in this case) who can sell the product and be pleasing to the eye.

You should be listening to the bands for the music in the first place. If you found out lots of bands true feelings about things, you'd probably just stop listening to music in general.
If you're looking into Nightwish covers, I would steer clear of the operatic early albums if I were you. No offence intended, but based on your songs, it seems like that really isn't your style and may well be out of your range (though I don't know that). I would recommend Nemo and maybe Ever Dream or something else off of Century Child. Good luck!
Nightmare1z said:
You should be listening to the bands for the music in the first place. If you found out lots of bands true feelings about things, you'd probably just stop listening to music in general.
some of us actually do check out what bands stand for, and I find it strangely coincides with already musical favorites. they become personal favorites as well due to qualities i find admirable.

industry or not, i have a right to my opinion, which is that "life sucks get over it" is a waste of energy when instead, we can do something about it by not buying into this sexism/image crap. of course you'll say "well there are many people who do" and if one less does, that is one less. "but one person won't make a difference" no, but many times one persons does. that is how these things work. no change happens when everyone thinks "meh i'll be the only one, screw it."

the bottom line is music is what sells itself to me and what SHOULD be the strongpoint of any band, i don't give a damn about image. compare this advert with the one by Pain of Salvation, which is concerned primarily with music, and also mentions philosophy and logistics (which make sense). I respect them and their request far more than this shallow appeal to a sexist crowd.

looks like i've really opened the can of worms with this one.
Kenneth R. said:
I respect them and their request far more than this shallow appeal to a sexist crowd.
Sexist crowd? I'm not a Nightwish fan, so this isn't any defense of them at all, but I don't get the use of this term?
In a perfect world, image wouldn't be the driving force behind a band, an artist or their success. It would be the creation of things musical that touch/inspire people. It would be for the sake of the music and the passion/drive for creating it that respect would be earned. The talent, the music and the perseverance would be major focus factors. Not a set of tits and a tight ass.

Is that how things are? HELL no, which is a damn shame. One of the reasons I respect Progressive music is that the musicianship/songwriting is usually respected above all else. That's why I would have preferred to have seen the number one thing listed as the friggin' voice. :Smug:

Was it sexist for Nightwish to itemize priorities that way? Part of me thinks it is, part of me thinks it's the nature of the beast. Does it hurt to have a "hot" chick fronting a band? That depends on who you ask. ;) From a female musician's perspective it is a love/hate thing with me. I love the fact that the door's have opened more for women in the heavier styles. I hate the fact that talent and looks get so grouped together when, to me, they really don't have much to do with one another.

In regard to the song suggestions... older/newer doesn't matter to me. Looking for recommendations that would be good possibilities for overall approach/delivery. Older songs are within my range. ;)
What is the story with Ancient Egyptian stuff on your website? Did you by any chance read The Eye of Horus by Carol Thurston?
Colleen, go for it. 'Nuff said. :worship:

Heck, it's a bit like the lottery: sure, the odds are against you winning....but the odds are a big fat zero if you don't play at all. :tickled:

--And besides, we'd all be left wondering "Would things have been different if Colleen had sent in a demo?" :headbang:
Pellaz said:
Colleen, go for it. 'Nuff said. :worship:

Heck, it's a bit like the lottery: sure, the odds are against you winning....but the odds are a big fat zero if you don't play at all. :tickled:

--And besides, we'd all be left wondering "Would things have been different if Colleen had sent in a demo?" :headbang:

Agreed... if the possibility exists, no harm in giving it a shot... better to give it a shot, so win or lose, there's no wondering "what if". Sure, there's no way of knowing whose voice will ultimately "click" with Holopainen and the band, but I think a demo from Colleen would certainly be among those that make a good impression.