13ShadesofGray said:
I experienced the first King Tut exhibit when I was a kid... touched me more than I can express here in text, and I've studied ancient civilizations ever since. The heiroglyphs on my site are lyrics to "Only I", actually. :)

Haven't read that book, but just checked it out on Amazon. Was a bit shocked to see the similarity between the cover and my background image! I think I'll be reading that some time. heheh Did you enjoy it?

I am actually reading it now (I am a slow reader) and so far it is really good and extremely well written. Too bad I think she hasn't written any more books since.
13ShadesofGray said:

I, too, am taken back by the 1st requirement the band decided to list as "looks".
So... if I do do this... how 'bout some recommendations for a Nightwish song to cover?

First of all, I think you are fucking hot (you look much better than Tarja). So you have THAT covered. Tarja was def. fuckable but there are lots of women singers out there who are much better looking.

For a song, I would recommend you do "Nemo," or "I wish I had an Angel" simply because those were the last two things Nightwish released with Tarja and the fans will expect to hear them--one would think that the more recent stuff is going to be played more so they would expect the new singer to excel in those tunes.

Go for it babe. I will pay good money to watch you front for Nightwish.
If you're going to include NW songs... everyone seems to be suggesting songs that the band is going to hear 500x from the demos. If you want to stand out, it might be better to go with songs that not everyone and their mom is going to pick.

Biggest ones to avoid IMO:
Dead Boy's Poem
The Kinslayer
Wish I Had An Angel
Planet Hell (besides, I think of this more as a Marco song)
Ghost Love Score (freaking awesome song but I think too much of the singing comes from tracks and it has a lot of instrumental parts to be a good vocal showcase song)
Any of the covers NW does.

My suggestions would be stuff like this.
Angels Fall First
Two For Tragedy
Bare Grace Misery
Know Why The Nightingale Sings
Come Cover Me

Beauty of the Beast (so many styles to display in one 10 min song)
Ocean Soul (a song that NW will never play live according to Tuomas. It's a very personal song for him so if you pulled off a stellar version it might catch his ear)
Feel For You
Higher Than Hope
Dark Chest of Wonders
If you can pull off Finnish, Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan

Maybe choose 3 with a lot of range. Like Angels Fall First, Ocean Soul, & Dark Chest of Wonders. One old slow song, one new harder song, and one song to hopefully impress Tuomas. Throw in an original for the 4th.

Going through these songs is making realize it's been awhile since I had my last NW binge.
Hopefully COLLEEN will take al these songs and pick the one that suits her, even though in my opinion she would sound great on any one of them. IMHO i think the best for her to do is OCEAN SOUL and add a little COLLEEN to it.

Best of luck to you COLLEEN, we are praying for you.

Been battling a rather bad bout of the flu for a couple of weeks and finally started feeling better today. Enough so that I did a couple of run throughs on Ocean Soul. :) I think it'll definitely be a good fit for me, so that's one down. I'm going through the other ones over the weekend and should have a better idea of what to send early next week. Wanted to say thanks again to everyone who's posted in here. I'm still a bit shocked over the whole thing. :)

Ben, sometime I'll do the phonebook thing for ya. ;) lol
she sounds a lot more like lana lane/aor type vocalist than symphonic power metal, she doesnt really look/sound the part. great voice, but just totally not something I think could work with that kind of music. just my two cents
Entropiastrife said:
she sounds a lot more like lana lane/aor type vocalist than symphonic power metal, she doesnt really look/sound the part. great voice, but just totally not something I think could work with that kind of music. just my two cents

on the contrary for me, I'd rather hear someone like Colleen sing for them instead of a high-pitched operatic singer like Tarja, because I hate that vocal style... I realize that that's the band's "gimmick", and they probably won't want to give that up, but I'd like them a lot more if they did -- especially hearing her and Marco trade vocal duties. (On second thought, why not just put Nightwish to rest, and have Colleen join Tarot! ;) )

ahamkara said:
Is she same chick that sang Queen of the Ryche and Eyes of A Stranger karoake style at the Progpower pre party last year?

no. That was Jen, formerly of Mindframe.
actually, I'd much rather hear her sing for a band like PD. ;) but I'd also like to see her get opportunitites where she's more likely to be in the spotlight...
It would not only be great for Colleen to get the NW vox spot, but even greater to see her perform w/ NW at PPVIII! Best of luck to ya Colleen!
That would so kick ass! :D

Two down, one more to go. So far I've decided on Ocean Soul and Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan. Thinking of one more NW song and trying to decide which others to toss in. Will probably include Only I, Marcel's Traumatized to the Bone and/or That Moment, and possibly a PD track, but I have to clear that with Rowen and DC first.

Now I have to figure out how the hell to get the NW songs down in a presentable form. Any suggestions for accomplishing this would be greatly appreciated. I remember a thread a long time back about some Metal karaoke that's available. Don't remember if NW was listed as available. It's either that or some plug in to remove the lead vocal tracks, but that I'm a bit wary of. I'd love to be able to do the backing harmonies along with the leads. Argh!

Thanks again to everyone who's reached out and posted their thoughts, both good and bad. It's really kind of hard to put into words how much all of this means to me. :)
We are all behind you COLLEEN, and i think even the bad remarks were words of support in their own little way. But Colleen just remember whether you get it or not we still love ya, and will support you. And by the way fabulous choice of songs, it will blow them away.

13ShadesofGray said:
That would so kick ass! :D

Two down, one more to go. So far I've decided on Ocean Soul and Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan. Thinking of one more NW song and trying to decide which others to toss in. Will probably include Only I, Marcel's Traumatized to the Bone and/or That Moment, and possibly a PD track, but I have to clear that with Rowen and DC first.

Now I have to figure out how the hell to get the NW songs down in a presentable form.

Cover band? Or just get a group of studio musicians who will work at scale?