People, you read too much in one simple word. The poor English translation looks more of short-hand and doesn't quite reveal the ideas in the original text in Finnish. Take a look at these most important sentences from the statement.
- even they would never admit it in public,
Just go for it, Colleen, there'll be nothing to loose.
Btw. did you know that Marco Hietala auditioned for Iron Maiden frontman back in 1993 when Bruce left and was very close to be chosen for the job? Definitely didn't hurt his further career to be recognized for that.
The only thing they seem pay more attention to are the qualities of the voice, the others are only "basic" requirements without any closer definitions from the band. IMO, you can concentrate on the voice thing and give your best shot in the 2-3 chosen songs to show your versatility and range. From full classical through athmospheric to poppish. Tuomas Holopainen has in many interviews said that the singer is just another instrument in the band he composes for and it has to be able to adapt into a wide scale of different styles. Just listen to "White Night Fantasy", "The Siren", then "Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan" "Romanticide", and "Ghost Love Score" in that particular order to cover the variety of styles needed in the job. It goes from full opera style in GLS to the Kate Bush-alike honey-dripping in White Night Fantasy and everything in between. Any singer who can make a hirsute metalhead to queeze a tear in the corner of his eye by singing Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan solo in Finnish, will be close to be hired for the job. I've seen Tarja doing it to many tough guys,The English version:
We need the obvious things: Looks, charisma, courage and, of course, a big voice.
The original Finnish tex translated:
For the basic requirements we wish the applicant to posess looks, charisma, courage, good command of pronouncing and speaking in English and of course a great deal of voice.
The English version:
You should however be prepared to sing with a lot of dynamics and versatility. From loud and high to very sensitive stuff.
The original Finnish tex translated:
The most important thing is, were the applicant's style whatever, that she is able to sing dynamically and in the widest possible range. The applicant's voice has to be adaptable to many [purposes], capable of high and loud songs as well as delicate and moody [atmospheric].

Just go for it, Colleen, there'll be nothing to loose.
Btw. did you know that Marco Hietala auditioned for Iron Maiden frontman back in 1993 when Bruce left and was very close to be chosen for the job? Definitely didn't hurt his further career to be recognized for that.