Columbia accident

It's pretty fucked up what happened and I don't understand how it could of happened. From what I read, supposedly a fuel cell blew up 15 minutes from the land site? What the fuck is that shit? That's pretty fucked up but there is nothing that can be done, just like the attacks that were brought upon my country a little less than a year and a half ago. I can feel for those people, yet don't know what it's like. I can feel for them, but not understand what their friends and family members could be going through. What's done is done, no sense in mourning too hard because it won't help a fucking thing. It's not a bad thing to feel sad or pissed off, but life goes on.

BTW Stygian, I understand that you don't give a shit because you are right, people die everyday, but how can you be so heartless?
Originally posted by Northern Viking
Wow :)
Yeah of course, I accept :)
I guess I was so pissed by all the stupid answers before I replied more rude than I should have, heh. It's good to see people can still positively amaze me here :)
*scratches FailingAcension from the long list of morons* :p
Glad to see.:grin:;)Thanks!
The stuff that broke off was insulation foam and has the density of popcorn. If that broke off, I wouldn't expect it to do anything, but at that speed, who knows. They determined that it didn't cause any harm after analyzing it after takeoff....I'd suspect the thing crashed either cause

a.) the foam did knock off tiles which allowed heat to reach the aluminum and that melts at about 1220 degrees Fahrenheit, not even half of the 3000 degrees the hull feels during re-entry. When your spaceship turns to liquid you're in a world of shit. I've worked with aluminum and the stuff conducts heat really well. It’s not too tricky to burn yourself with a chunk of aluminum on a lathe if you’re not careful.


b.) The foam damaged the control surfaces...or there was a hydraulic malfunction. I remember reading something about there being a loss in a hydraulic temperature gauge, as well as a wheel well temperature gauge. If the hydraulics went out, the craft could roll....which was recorded. and I don't think the shuttle is designed to re-enter the atmosphere inverted.

the bitch of it all is you can't tell what was going on right before the shuttle broke up, because there's a communications blackout between 265K and 162K feet, due to the layer of hot ionized atoms surrounding the shuttle that radio waves can't penetrate. the shuttle broke up at about 207K feet.

I saw one newspaper say it broke up because of heat.......fucking duh. It always baffles me how the thing holds together in the first place during re-entry. There’s a fine line between skipping off the atmosphere and burning up from heading in too steep.
7 people?...that is suppossed to be a traumatic loss of life? Bullshit. Stupid pussies that watch too much T.V. feel sad about this.

Innocent people get raped, murdered, tortured, etc. everyday and die...Why should I feel sad about astronauts died doing there very perilous job? They knew the risk. Who fucking cares. Columbia was the oldest of all the active space shuttles, surprise, surprise.

If somebody told me that I could become an astronaut, fly into space, spend a week, but would be incinerated on re-entry...I think that would totally rule...I'd do it.
Originally posted by Willy Wonka

If somebody told me that I could become an astronaut, fly into space, spend a week, but would be incinerated on re-entry...I think that would totally rule...I'd do it.

why don't you just skip to the incinerating part and spare us the annoyance?
Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
am i the only one that doesnt give a flying fuck?

These astronauts are doing shit to help human-kind.. Someday this planet isn't going to be able to support life anymore. They are trying to find ways to get off this planet just in case something like this would ever occur. And you don't give a shit?

You are fucking pathetic. That is another reason why i hate so many fucking people in this state. Nobody gives a shit about anything but themselves.
Originally posted by chainek
These astronauts are doing shit to help human-kind.. Someday this planet isn't going to be able to support life anymore. They are trying to find ways to get off this planet just in case something like this would ever occur. And you don't give a shit?

You are fucking pathetic. That is another reason why i hate so many fucking people in this state. Nobody gives a shit about anything but themselves.
Do you really think that someday, close to Armageddon the NASA is going to provide us with Space Shuttles and save our lives??
In 40 years we're gonna run out of oil anyway, I dont think Armageddon will be that soon...
And about this "Astronauts are out serving mankind"... who do you think is gonna take advantage out of that knowledge? Mankind...? Yeah, not even close...

and EFF, dont always pick on people who state their opinions, that's a right here you know...
Originally posted by mislyd
FYI, those experiments conducted in space are meant to help people on earth (besides people in space). Absence of gravity is an advantage, in understanding how live cells work..

This person is knows what they're talking about

Originally posted by Northern Viking
Do you really think that someday, close to Armageddon the NASA is going to provide us with Space Shuttles and save our lives??
In 40 years we're gonna run out of oil anyway, I dont think Armageddon will be that soon...
And about this "Astronauts are out serving mankind"... who do you think is gonna take advantage out of that knowledge? Mankind...? Yeah, not even close...

This person obviously does not.
Originally posted by Northern Viking
Do you really think that someday, close to Armageddon the NASA is going to provide us with Space Shuttles and save our lives??
In 40 years we're gonna run out of oil anyway, I dont think Armageddon will be that soon...
And about this "Astronauts are out serving mankind"... who do you think is gonna take advantage out of that knowledge? Mankind...? Yeah, not even close...

Yeah I agree, it is a far fetched goal there. And probably unlikely to ever happen since even traveling at the speed of light it would still take over 40 years to get to the nearest star. But it is the only option humans will have once this planet is waisted. But to completly not give a shit about these people risking there lives just for causes like this (and for stuff that will help us here on the planet) is totally wrong. Some people may not agree with my opinions which I respect that, but it is totally fucking bullshit to just say you don't give a flying fuck. Which was the point I was trying to make earlier.
no. At the speed of light it would take you zero seconds to get to the nearest star in your reffrence frame due to length would take you 4 years from the point of view of anyone on earth due to time dialations...but realistically you coulden't travel that fast...if you were going 95% the speed of light tho it would take you 77 days to reach the nearest star (which is 4 light years away). power to einstein who found the equations to show that.
no. At the speed of light it would take you zero seconds to get to the nearest star in your reffrence frame due to length contractions
mmm... no brah, it's not that simple.
power to einstein who found the equations to show that.
Einstein came up with many amazing things, a lot of which are really not known but more important than his most famous ones, but his theories and equations on 'lightspeed travel' are not absolutely valid...his theories regarding space-time are very theoretical. There are completely different theories that are just as valid and interesting.
But eitherway, you're misunderstanding Einstein... According to these theories you could never travel or even send any sort of signal of any type faster than the speed of light. Supposedly, when this is attempted then this is when time fluctuates to prevent this.
I can give you an example of this stuff if you want... but I don't wanna go on talkin' about this shit like a magoo...

But you're right... it's 4 light years not 40
L = L0 (1 - v^2/c^2)^(1/2)
is what I'm using, lim as v=>c gives you a contracted length of 0. which is why it's impossible to travel faster.

True nothing contracts in your frame but in the lab frame (where the distance from the earth to the star is concerned) the length will contract...yea I know einstein had some help from lorentz in formulating this.

as far as time dialations, believe it or not, they actually have been measured. On a transatlantic flight, they brought an atomic clock and upon arival, there was something like a 10^-9 second difference measurable as projected via relativistic equations. This was done in 1971. The same relativistic effects can be measured in the space shuttle.

I haven't had a formal GR class yet. I've just taken a minor class that touched on it a while ago, so I'm not an authority or anything in that field, my only point was saying that space shuttle missions do no good for humankind is just ignorant.