Columbia accident

L = L0 (1 - v^2/c^2)^(1/2)
is what I'm using, lim as v=>c gives you a contracted length of 0. which is why it's impossible to travel faster
Equations formulated for this kind of stuff are way too theoretical for me.. and I do know of simple conditions and thought experiments where some equations of space-time fail (where they shouldn't)... so I wouldn't pay too much attention to specifics like that (a specific one example in mind is an equation that supposedly shows the time and space distortion of 2 spaceships traveling next to eachother close to the speed of light, It works just how it's explained, but if you put into it a light source going or coming in the same direction of flight on only one of the shuttles.. it doesn't work)
as far as time dialations, believe it or not, they actually have been measured
I know.. hopefuly it's legitimate.. i think it's cool.
..saying that space shuttle missions do no good for humankind is just ignorant
They do...
and I can see how some people would think that they ARE very helpful to human kind.. but honestly and with all respect, not nearly as much as you'd like to think.

Forget about space exploration and evacuating the earth! Humans haven't even been able to land on the moon, the closest piece of rock to the earth!

And think about it. What major benefits to humanity has space exploration brought us? ( I like it and It's great that it provides us with very interesting information but when you consider USEFULNESS..)

Now think about all the stuff that surrounds you.. All the plastic and other polymers, that has made millions of things REVOLUTIONARILY better for humans.. In the field of medicine, food, electrodomestics, commodity, and high tech devices to name a few. But who ever hears of the people that worked hard and came up with these? Of the many engineers and scientists that have truly revolutionized ways of life. To many people a piece of plastic is just another material that must come out of some ass. There are so many things around you that are purely polymer technology, your clothes, your computer, tv, stereo, cds and I could go on and on
Oh in fact... with the population of the world now there wouldn't be nearly enough plantations to provide us with material to clothe everyone.. we now depend on synthetics.
(and this is just one example..... there's medicine, energy resources...etc.. etc.. etc...)
I do know of simple conditions and thought experiments where some equations of space-time fail (where they shouldn't)... so I wouldn't pay too much attention to specifics like that (a specific one example in mind is an equation that supposedly shows the time and space distortion of 2 spaceships traveling next to eachother close to the speed of light, It works just how it's explained, but if you put into it a light source going or coming in the same direction of flight on only one of the shuttles.. it doesn't work)

don't follow.....

Now think about all the stuff that surrounds you.. All the plastic and other polymers, that has made millions of things REVOLUTIONARILY better for humans.. In the field of medicine, food, electrodomestics, commodity, and high tech devices to name a few. But who ever hears of the people that worked hard and came up with these? Of the many engineers and scientists that have truly revolutionized ways of life. To many people a piece of plastic is just another material that must come out of some ass. There are so many things around you that are purely polymer technology, your clothes, your computer, tv, stereo, cds and I could go on and on

I fully agree. Polymers have an immeasurably bigger impact that space exploration, but that doesn't mean we shoulden't try.

Forget about space exploration and evacuating the earth! Humans haven't even been able to land on the moon, the closest piece of rock to the earth!

please don't tell me you're one of those people that thinks it was all a hoax. It doesn't give credit to anything else you've said.....Well have fun debunking everything said on this site.
Originally posted by MagSec4

Forget about space exploration and evacuating the earth! Humans haven't even been able to land on the moon, the closest piece of rock to the earth!

ummm, does the name Neil Armstrong mean anything to you? if no then type it into a search engine ;)

This conversation is getting pretty interesting. I watched a show on the science channel a while back and I could have sworn they said it would take 40 years at the speed of light to get to the nearest star. (besides the sun).. Maybe that is what you where thinking. it takes 4 seconds for the light from the sun to get to earth or something like that. That stuff about time fluctuating is pretty neat too. It makes sense to me.
Originally posted by MagSec4

Forget about space exploration and evacuating the earth! Humans haven't even been able to land on the moon, the closest piece of rock to the earth!

July 20th, 1969 "a small step for man, a giant leap for mankind" ever heard that saying? neil armstrong said it while walking on the moon. What a moron! :rolleyes:
light from the sun takes 7 minutes, what's cooler is if the sun dissapeared, the earth would keep orbiting around nothing for 7 minutes cause no information travels faster than light even gravity...or so goes the theory.
i heard someone saying that if the earth suddenly stopped spinning around it's own axis, we'd all burst out and explode from the inertia... ow!

and geez! that site about the moon hoax... these hoax theories are creepy, also the one about sept 11... i'll give that site a reading
Yeah, i've gone through that complete website before..
I've taken serious analysis and research on this because I found it shocking when I first heard that it was a cold-war stunt and it never really happened. And it's very fuckin interesting.. And all I gotta say about this is that I've looked at all both sides had to say and came to the conclusion that it really never did happen.
So hey! it's an opinion... and it's certainly not an invalid or unresearched one.
i heard someone saying that if the earth suddenly stopped spinning around it's own axis, we'd all burst out and explode from the inertia... ow!
You know what else is cool... when you take into account the rotation of the earth, the revolution of earth in its orbit, and the estimated spiral motion of solar systems in our galaxy We are, right now, traveling very fuckin fast! I did the calculations once... it's thousands of miles per second... i forget the exact order of magnitude...
these hoax theories are creepy, also the one about sept 11... i'll give that site a reading
Sept 11 a hoax, heheh i've never heard that one.. but i can tell ya i've been to the place afterwards so I'm pretty damn sure it did happen

..oh well.. there was stuff that were hoaxes.. like photographs and stuff that i've heard of.
yeah we're just spinning around like mad and our beer doesn't spill! the miracle of the universe :-P

no, about sept 11, the theory is not that it didn't happen, it's all that conspiracy plot about the CIA and all...
the whole part about the plane that crashed into the pentagon is REALLY convincing, if you look at the pics it looks extremely improbable that a big plane like that could crash into a building and only throw down a single story....
wait, so you mean the twin towers didn't actually fall? dammit! I knew that magician David Copperfield had something to do with all this!:yell:
What the fuck?! Someone is trying to say the government set that up? BULLSHIT! I saw a home video that the fire department made. That fire department has a camera man that takes it with him on all missions. I saw it with my own eyes. Both of those buildings are engineered to colapse inside itself if it takes structual damage and that is what they did. The shockwave from them colapsing took out other buildings in the area also.

I saw a fucking home video of it happening. Not a media video on the tv. A friend of mine who works at a fire department got it from his friend that works there also who has a cousin that was in the fire department that took the video. Whoever said it is fake can go fuck themselves. How the fuck would the government get away with a lie like that with thousands of people living in the area? Just the thought of that is stupid, i dont see how somebody could think that it is possible to fake something like that without getting cought.... yeah thousands of people living right in that area and they see on tv that the towers are blown,, well they look out there windows and it's still their.. don't you think somebody would say something?

Damn! how fucking stupid and ignorant can people be?
@chainek: it's not just an aol kiddie putting up a page and saying OMGOMG IT WAS A CONSPIRACY OMGOMG

and man, of fucking course he doesn't imply that the towers are still there... geez

it's an engineer with considerable examples and fundamentation, and his point is that the whole plane hijacking was fake, and that the towers were hit by cruise missiles instead of planes, also that the pentagon was hit by a smaller missile or something like that

well, the planes did crash into the buildings, i don't doubt that (that part of his theory is quite dumb) but as i said, the part about the pentagon is quite convincing...

i forgot the address but i'm sure you can find it on google since you're obviously not ignorant :-)
Originally posted by MagSec4
Yeah, i've gone through that complete website before..
I've taken serious analysis and research on this because I found it shocking when I first heard that it was a cold-war stunt and it never really happened. And it's very fuckin interesting.. And all I gotta say about this is that I've looked at all both sides had to say and came to the conclusion that it really never did happen.
So hey! it's an opinion... and it's certainly not an invalid or unresearched one.

You know what else is cool... when you take into account the rotation of the earth, the revolution of earth in its orbit, and the estimated spiral motion of solar systems in our galaxy We are, right now, traveling very fuckin fast! I did the calculations once... it's thousands of miles per second... i forget the exact order of magnitude...

Well alright, you're entitled to your opinion man. I have to admit when I first heard the moon landing could be a hoax, I was intrigued, but after research, I found it to be just a poor theory based on bad physics and a lot of guesswork. I don't think it holds much weight. You have to understand that a moon mission today is completly out of the question because nasa simply does not have the funding. Durring the moon race they were given an almost unlimited budget. It's pretty much a testament as to what can be done with sufficient budget. The calculations required to get to the moon aren't trivial, but they in no way require sophisticated computers, you can do them on a slide rule.

and about the motion thru space, it is pretty cool to think about how fast we're moving. about 30 km/s around the sun, about 250 km/s around the galactic core and around 300 km/s around around the center of the local groups of galaxies. The odd thing about it is there's no real reffrence point in was once believed that we were traveling thru some medium people called ether that was stationary, but no tests have concluded its existance, so we can say how fast we're moving, but only in refrence to something else.
Hey!!! what is this???

I emphasize again: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??

This is a Children Of Bodom forum, therefore it is supposed to have freakin COB army of freakin beasted-fiends fans!!!

Now this is not the place to go mumblin about no lost airship from stinkin USA the bastards, no it isnt!!!

If you go into the media section = fan art in the website you´ll notice among the fans sent pics, a photograph of an evil figure with a t-shirt with the PALESTINE flag and holding a follow the reaper marketing poster.





I wasn't mourning, I was having an intelectual debate. Do you know what that is? or should I spell it out for you? moron.

and bad.....CoB kicks ass, but everyone here knows that. What do you think brought us to this forum?
2xxx2see, I understand your agressive reply.

I did not sent the message exclusive to you, but to the topic creator and to the topic supporters.

actually you´re the few makin sense in the whole stupid mess here in this shit hole topic.

columbia down, my spirit is up.

Bodom till I die

fair winds to you.
alright man, that's cool. I mean it's a shame the thing came appart, but what can you do now but debate what happened.

well I know what I can do...go out drinking, it's friday. I'll buy you a beer man.