^Was one of the best games I've seen England play, specially in a defence situation.

11/11/07 Sunday morning-GREAT BRITAIN Vs NEW ZELAND played at WIGAN

This is NZ last chance of regaining some respect, lets hope not :yell:COME ON ENGLAND...:muahaha:


COME ON MAN.U..:Smokedev:
If Scotland qualify but England don't, I ain't supporting the Scots.
But obviously yes, England will qualify.

Go Forth and Die said:
We'll qualify.

England qualifying for major tournaments is like the tide, breathing, or early-twentied actors/heiresses exposing themselves for cameras. It's inevitable.

USA94 you say?

1. Exception that proves the rule
2. The English didn't want to go to the USA. It sucks
Yeah, something would be missing if England doesn´t qualify. We need to have somebody to beat in overtime in the semifinal :lol: (did I mention that before ??) . But yes, rather Scotland than Italy, that is for sure.
^Do you know when we play? I haven't seen it advertised. did you see the game against ISREAL and RUSSIA? That's a good result tho.

:yell:COME ON ENGLAND..............:kickass:
I'll have to check out fox sports, should be a good game.

I don't wont to sound up myself but it should be a win for ENGLAND...:kickass:

We shall see come Wednesday, well another early start for me on Thursday morning Twill be worth it....:kickass:

I sort of hope England wins for the fans sake, but on the other hand, it would almost be even more fun if you lost and Russia won just to see the face of the media vultures you have, those who shoveled an endless amount of shit over Svennis. He wasn´t so bad after all, that´s what i want them to realize.
Did ENGLAND score in the last 3 minutes....Did ENGGLAND make it? Are we playing in 2008..:waah:.....I missed the last 3min I had to go out, couldn't be helped I was away for about 10min when I came back Germany and Wales had just done the toss.

:yell:COME ON WALES.......:lol:

Ah well. Atleast McClaren is gone. I'd said since day 1 he was the wrong appointment, but everyone's like "Give him a chance". Look what happened.

Fucking McClaren and his fucking tactical ineptness (The main reason I didn't want him).