Come on now.

after you left , Patrick said "who was that guy who tried to match wits with me? I whooped his ass
so anyone else tired of hearing about that negro turned cracker michael jackson?

North Korea's threatening to give Hawaii a fireworks show they'll remember, an unread energy bill passes through the house, Iranians getting blasted on the streets of Tehran, Honduras military coup, and the top news story of the day... Michael Jackson died on an empty stomach. :erk:

North Korea's threatening to give Hawaii a fireworks show they'll remember, an unread energy bill passes through the house, Iranians getting blasted on the streets of Tehran, Honduras military coup, and the top news story of the day... Michael Jackson died on an empty stomach. :erk:

Its not the top news story, but its one of the major headlines...

NOBODY CARES (even the ones who claim they do)