come to Church

Hi Brothers and Sisters, some sad News, some Good news, but God´s Mercy are new each day so let´s live up to Him!!!
many things has happen in my live this end of 2011 and the begining of 2012! I wish to have more time to share with you all but my economy right now are on red...

My Pastor´s health (Praised God) are better on a 80%, he and his wife want me to thank you all for your prayers, the sad news are that they need me no more as his "Co-Pastor"

I will be taking your prayers request as mine!

also I will explain later about my situation and my personal prayer request!!!

May God Bless you All!!!

Ps: Is good to have friends all arround the world!!!!
From my Facebook - thoughts? (note: this is about Christians in America. I don't know enough about political beliefs of Christians in other regions of the world to make a statement about them)

Step outside your political views for a moment and reflect on something with me. Most Christians are conservative. Why? Fiscally, at least, we should be extraordinarily liberal. Deuteronomy 15:7-8 says "If among you, one of your brothers should become shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his needs."

The conservative Christian would argue that "the government shouldn't decide who we give our money to, it should be our choice," but the legitimate Christian would recognize nothing we have is our own. Either it belongs to God, or it belongs to your government (Matthew 22:21 - "Therefore, render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's"....this was specifically said in response to a question about paying taxes).

The conservative Christian would say "I've earned the money by the system integrated into America's founding." The legitimate Christian would know that it is impossible to serve God and money (Matthew 6:24), and that the love of money is the root of plentiful evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

Furthermore, by holding dearly onto your money, nameless conservatives, you are placing it above God (by defying his commands of charity). Even if you weren't familiar with anything outside of Sunday School Theology, even you would know this next command: Place nothing above God. (Exodus 20; Isaiah 44; 1 Corinthians 5, 1 Corinthians 8, 1 Corinthians 10; Ephesians 5; Galatians 5; Colossians 3; 1 Thesselonians 1; 1 John name a few)

Finally, the argument of "If we give to everyone equally, lots of people will use it for things they shouldn't, like drugs." Really? They will? You're saying someone will take a gift given freely, and squander it? Aside from the incredible amount of hypocrisy (God gave His life for us, yet we continue to not only live in sin, but outright reject Him), that argument is also theologically flawed. See, when God was on earth as Jesus, He didn't run with the Pharisees or Sadducees, or Essenes. He ministered to the poor, the hurting, the prostitutes, the drunks, the sinners. He healed the 10 lepers, and only 1 ever came back to thank Him.

So, nameless conservatives, think of this the next time you complain about "welfare spending." You want America to be a Christian nation, and yet you hate the very idea of a nation that is run by God's law. Or, as CS Lewis said, each of us will like different things about the Kingdom, but none of us will like it completely, so long as we hold on to our modern political ideologies.
If you like living in a free nation do not go there. All that "well fare spending" gets handled by the government, like tax money, and can be used to buy $30 meatballs.

Yes we as Christians should help the poor, but Socialist Wellfare will not help the poor but the rich and powerful, welcome to the real world (very corrupt world.)

What the poor do not need is money (over 65% abuse the system), i/e milking it for all its worth.

The Bible also said this.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

All your looking at is one side, you need to look at both.

Also Solomon asked for wisdom and yet God not only blessed him with wisdom but riches, long life, and honor. The Bible never condemns wealth only those who love and serve money...BIG DIFFERENCE.
And I'm not disagreeing with any of that....however, submission to authority (yes, the government....even the one that runs welfare) is incredibly biblical.

Also, this was mainly about those who do love least all the conservative Christians I know and hear about love the stuff. They may not admit it, but threaten to take their money away, even for a charitable cause, and they whip out the gun.

It's just something to think about because the Kingdom of God will not be a democracy, and it will not be a capitalistic society.
The Kingdom of God won't be run by Congress, either! :)

If I vote to get rid of (useless) welfare spending and lower (absurd and unfair) taxes, I'm not against obeying the government; that's part of how our government works (here in America). We vote so we can change the country to be a better place. What is "Caesar's"? We define that by voting!

Capitalism is only necessary in an imperfect world. If everybody would all always look out for each other and act selflessly, we wouldn't need capitalism. But we aren't in heaven, so it's the best system that works.
Interesting point´s of view, but I understand FleshAndBloodTheocracy point, If we Christians care too much for the money, our love, our big effort, our hope can be in the wrong side... this is very personal, every one of us have to serch his true treasure!!! for there will be his heart!!!

Let the goverment handle their problems we have to try our best with the Caesar things unless they go against God´s will
So, I know I disappeared from here for a bit, but I'm hopefully back for a bit! (Before I get devoured by school, music, and riding again :P) It's always nice to be among other similar to you.

At my Saturday church, we have a "Garden of Prayer" every week where prayer requests are collected and people can come up, and two weeks ago the person leading it that day asked for big prayer requests. She didn't mean lengthy ones, she meant ones that almost seemed impossible to have answered. She also brought up something that really struck me: sometimes we don't pray the things we think are impossible because we can't imagine a God big enough to answer it.

Something that's really been on my heart lately is the abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of animals. Yes, this includes cats and dogs and the like, but I'm particularly talking about the larger animals such as horses, cows, tigers, etc. The animals you don't hear so much about. Especially since lately there's been a huge controversy in dressage about a method called "rollkur" or "hyperflexion". In other disciplines, there's also tying a horse head up to weaken and tire out the neck muscles and tying a horses head to its tail, among others. What really makes me frustrated is that you never hear of those animals being taken away. If it was a dog, it would probably be removed from the person's custody, but apparently not if its a larger prey animal. I don't even really know why I'm bringing this up, but would you join me in prayer that all of this stops?

On another note, I've been asked if I would preach at my Saturday church. If I do, I'll probably somehow interlace what I previously mentioned with how God's given humans dominion over the earth and if we can't treat what's "below" us well, how well can we treat those at the same rank as us. Of course, before I even start writing it up, I'm praying that it's really God's will for me to preach, particularly on this. Your opinions are appreciated?
...Our church thread has died again. D< How dare it! It shall be revived and become extremely lively again! Prae is sad that it's not active. :(

Anyways! It probably seems like I have a lot of prayer requests, but... Well, I do! Though this one is really quite personal. >.> This past summer I threw up during one of my riding lessons and was nauseous for two or more days after that. Simple, right? Not so much. Since then, every two months, I have been having bouts of nausea for a few days without fail. September, November, January, and now March. We'll probably be going in soon to have it checked out since it's really interfering with my life. Would you please pray that it's not anything major and that it's a simple, quick fix with no recovery time? Or, more so, that God's will be done and that my family and I are able to stay strong and cope with it?

Normally I don't ask, but I am having a down day. Please pray for my family, that we can make it through. We had twins in 9/09 that were 25 weeks gestation, born 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 lbs. By the grace of God they both came home, and grew in us and with us. In Sept. 2011 in less then 36 hours my daughter went from fine to gone up to heaven, and some days my heart is heavier then others. Today is one of those days, and I don't feel like telling my facebook friends because I am not wanting the usually sad faces and hug replies. I don't want any of that. I just want to get through it, and sometimes to do that it should be OK for my heart to be heavy...

So there, I said it. I miss my girl, pray for her in heaven, and her family here on earth, that we can make it through to a less trying moment.
Hey, how's everyone doing in their far-flung corners of our wonderful International Metal Church Worldwide?

I need to move back to Sydney (3 hours drive away) which I left 10 years ago. Most important is getting to my new church which I've been "attending" via podcast for a few years (praise God for this technology!) while searching unsuccessfully for a spiritual home within reasonable driving distance.

I'm praying that God will undertake to guide me through selling my place and speed me to my new home and church and a new (or old) job, close to my many unsaved friends.

I'd be stoked if any of the Metal Church members will join with me in praying for God's will and that He will use me and my talents for His glory.
Flesh and Mori... both of you are making very valid points. :). I'll put a lil more into this convo later, when I have the time, but grat points!
Praise God for His perfect timing - things seem to be coming together for my move!!

All I need to do now is get rid of furniture that won't fit into my wonderful but tiny new place, and find meaningful employment.

I'm really looking forward to getting involved with my "new" church!!

:Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: