comments on Opeth


New Metal Member
I consider a stupidity to discuss about the best Opeth album. All of them stand at the same level of excellence. However, they are different from each other somehow. This is my theory:

The most beautiful one is Morningrise.
The heavisest and darkest of them is MAYH.
The most technical one is Still Life.
The most mature is Blackwater Park and
Orchid is the most experimental (although so is Morningrise)

Spiral Architect


Originally posted by Demonspell
Yes, they are mindblowingly technical and their bassist Lars Norberg is incredible...the official site as some samples. And I agree with most of the observations about the Opeth albums...

Hey man, thanks for the info. I went to the site and unfortunately the samples are in .ram format. I don't have Real Audio and I'm not going to pay $30 american for it, so what's a prog freak to do? Gawd, I wish they'd stick with a standard like mp3. Bleh. I've heard so many good things about this band I'm tempted to just buy the bloody cd without hearing it first. I hope they aren't another dream theatre/fates warning hair band.



You don't need to buy the full version of RealAudio to listen to .RAM-clips. Just download the free version from RealAudio's website.
Originally posted by Protocol
Don't EVER install realplayer! It's sick... disgusting.

It couldn't possibly be as bad as the windows media player which doesn't allow you to download and save files, it opens them in the media player (something that can't be stopped) and there is no option to save or anything, it's truely pathetic.

What's so bad about real player? What do you use for streaming audio/video? thanks!

Media player doesn't do shit if you also refrain from installing the disgusting internet exploder. Use Opera instead. =)

Realplayer - what's so bad about it? Well, let's see, it's bloatware, it's full of commersials, it clutters your registry, it installs half a dozen sub-programs in different places to slow you down, the user-interface is horrible, the installation wizard is horrible, it takes over file associations, it send info about your comp to realnetworks, it's slow and very badly programmed, you can't have good quality with realplayer unless you have a high-end computer. That's all I can think of for now.
I have always used Real Player for both streaming audio and mp3, I've never had any problems with it interfering with other programs and I downloaded it without most of the add-ons. (I'll admit that RealJukebox does suck large ass.) I've never had any complaints about its interface and since I don't use other audio programs, file associations aren't a problem.

As for Winblows Media, why does Bill Gates' wife always sleep on top? Because Microsoft can only fuck up.