Commitments before tracking???

Grave Desire

Mar 10, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum as a user but have been browsing for a while.

I was just curious as to what Inserts/effects do you guys put on your instruments before tracking, mainly the drums. For example on drums before going to tape, I usually just do some light compression and run through some Tube EQ's to warm the tone or maybe also do some minor EQing. I find it the safest way to track since I can do major editting later and still have the source material. Any thoughts or comments on what you guys do??


Hi, another new guy here. I generally try and record drums flat with no inserts, just the right mic in the right place on a well tuned drum. This then gives me options on mix down. Im trying to avoid gating these day and now use it more as a last resort than as a rule. I often end up compressing and adding a bit of EQ more to filter unwanted frequencies than to resculpt the sound. Hope this helps?!?!?!
yeah, same with me (another newbie!), well tuned kit with good mic placement, only thing i do is touch of compression on vocals
Vocals are a bit different, ill crush em with a compressor if I have to. Same with a bass. Guitar i never really need to. Oh yeah EQ if I need to not just because I can!! It can be good to go to town on the EQ etc depending on what type of sound your going for.
Yeah with Vocals Compression before tracking seems to be a smart move just to make sure the dynamics are under control. I usually also compress the bass, but more so it's DI track since Recording straight from the bass seems to be alot more wide as far as dynamic range.
Yeah, I'm with Razorjack on that, if your drum tuning and instruments aren't great and complimentary to each other well going in, you'll have a lot more work to do come mix down. You can't make a weedy guitar sound into a monster tone (or rather it's much better to be shaping up a great tone than to completely remould a bad one).

In other silly words, you just can't EQ a bunch of dogs and monkeys to sound like a herd of cows... :err: ... :D