Committing to a guitar tone

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
One of my biggest fears and faults. I just can't do it. I like how it sounds when I do it but when I listen back the next day I hate it. Would someone mind telling me if I'm crazy or not? Here is a track I reamped last night. To me it was awesome when I did it but now it's super honky and lifeless to me. I only put a hp/lp and a few narrow cuts for fizz. Melodeath Songs/Quick Mix.mp3

Would you change anything? Pic for great justice

It's a really good tone man. What's the amp and the speaker?
thanks man. The whole chain was

SC607-b -> Countryman Type 85 -> M Audio Profire 610

Profire 610 out -> Focusrite ISA One -> Radial JCR -> TS9 -> 5150 -> Framus Cobra 4x12 (V30's) -> SM57 back into profire
What are you using for the bass, equipment and signal chain. It sounds huge!
wooooooooooooooo thanks dudes. Now I'm super pumped on this.

Also @FearComplexMusic I love you and your youtube videos. If you ever wanna collab I can lay down some nasty vocals. Message my facebook page in my sig if you're interested
Here is an updated mix with the leads. Any idea how to make the leads cut through better? I have always been puzzled by it. Should the be dominating the mids that I cut out of the rhythms? They always sound thin, harsh and muddy to me. Mix.mp3

What are you using for the bass, equipment and signal chain. It sounds huge!

The bass is the Zombass DI that I processed blended with a preset from Zombass. The drums are SSD. Kick 10 processed and blended with the Thy Art Is Murder HATE kick. Snare is Snare 11a blended with Snare 6 both with SSD room heavily influencing it. Everything else is pretty stock, like I said I haven't really mixed it at all so nothing crazy going on. Nothing on the master bus either.
I fucking hate all of my guitar tones to death. Love 'em while recording, hate them afterwards. I start to eq, eq ,eq, eq, eq, eq some more. Start to love it again. Hate it again the next day, take away all the eq's, ad a lpf/hpf and learn to love it. :D
I have the same problem as this. I can never settle on a tone, mainly because I'm pretty terrible at this recording lark.

I think your clip sounds good though.
I fucking hate all of my guitar tones to death. Love 'em while recording, hate them afterwards. I start to eq, eq ,eq, eq, eq, eq some more. Start to love it again. Hate it again the next day, take away all the eq's, ad a lpf/hpf and learn to love it. :D

oh man, that's my life in a sentence! :lol:
I can never commit to anything in a mix, let alone a guitar sound. Of course I'm a side-room warrior that doesn't record anybody but meself lately, so no deadlines. I agree with the general consensus that it's easier to get a nice tone out of an amp than a sim, WAY easier ime.