Committing to a guitar tone

OP, dunno what you're on about, this sounds really good. If you needed a confirmation of sorts on the recorded guitar tone, then this would be it.
It sounds good, and you can do whatever you want with it come mix time. Well done!
Thanks! I'm retracking guitars tonight with fresh strings and without the tubescreamer, sounds SO much more organic and full of life without the ts. I'm kind of suprised actually. I will post it when I'm done!
Yes, the leads need that midrange that you took out of the rhythms to cut through. Play with them a bit. IF you can, tweak at the source for each. Or, just track the rhythms without the TS and the leads with, or vice versa.... Or try one side with the TS and one side without.

My only complaints is I usually like to hear the bass a biiiit more prominently (like, 0.2db more). I love that bass midrange blending in with the guitars. You could even take the rhythm guitars down a bit more, return a teensy bit of that midrange back, and leave the leads where they are, with the mids returned completely. I'd try ALL of these options and see what you come up with.
Ah yes warlock, they definitely are too loud. I haven't begun mixing or anything.

No, I used my ADA-MP1 for it. Recabinet for speaker emulation.