COMMUNIC - Waves Of Visual Decay

I just got that too, and I was quite impressed even though it's not my usual "thing". Is it my imagination or does that band sound like Nevermore meets Crimson Glory?
oh yes, I definitely have this, and I was talking about here before it was released.

And I do love their nearly-Nevermore sound. :kickass: I believe they'd be a great addition to a future ProgPower - perhaps a great #3 slotted band (?). :Smug:
...I've never noticed any Evergrey in their sound.

I withheld comments because I don't have any Evergrey in my collection to compare with Communic. I've never caught onto the Evergrey hype. *shrug* They just don't appeal to me ...much in the same way Therion doesn't appeal to many others here. :)
Rider of Theli said:
I withheld comments because I don't have any Evergrey in my collection to compare with Communic. I've never caught onto the Evergrey hype. *shrug* They just don't appeal to me ...much in the same way Therion doesn't appeal to many others here. :)

Which Evergrey have you heard? IMO, the newer stuff (barring MMA, which I haven't heard yet) is good, but doesn't hold a candle to their first two albums.
Thanks for asking, booB. :)

The majority of what I have heard of Evergrey has been live in concert, either through a ProgPower show or opening for Iced Earth last summer. And while I was impressed with most of their musical ability, the one thing that least impresses me is Tom's vocal style. That bluesy, almost Joe Cocker sound just makes me cringe :ill: I just cannot get past the voice enough to enjoy the music.

That being said, I actually look very forward to watching their performance at ProgPower this year. I'm curious about this 'symphonic' arrangement they have in store for us. Not having seen the dvd yet, I'll be watching with an open mind.


now, what is everyone's favorite track from Communic's 'Waves of Visual Decay'? first mine was the opening track, then it shifted to the epic 'At Dewy Prime'. The past few days I've really been digging the third track, 'Watching it All Disappear'. wow, talk about a deep, dark song.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the new Communic - great CD - I also do not here the Evergrey in them.

So who does sound like Evergrey? I found that I can't get enough of Recreation Day and The Inner Circle. Are their any other bands with a similar sound (in particular - the vocals)?