Band #5 confirmed...

I have no idea who this band is but I like the sample song. I hope to be Pleasantly surprised.
Another new band for me + Another band that I'm liking what I'm hearing + Another CD to add to the "to get sooner than later list".

The band, and esp the vocalist remind me of a "slightly" more subdued Nevermore and Warrel Dane. :)
Dont wanna give yourself a TKO :)

Won't anymore!

Rider of Theli said:
damn skippy Metal! I've never been one to turn down a woman who threatens me with violence. heh heh. And I'm sure Patrick will be right in the middle of us all!

You won't hear me complain about that. Stuck between a couple of my favorite PP people, booze in hand and watching a killer band- how much better could it get?

Another new band for me + Another band that I'm liking what I'm hearing + Another CD to add to the "to get sooner than later list".

The band, and esp the vocalist remind me of a "slightly" more subdued Nevermore and Warrel Dane. :)

Yeah, that's the common comparison. The singer for Communic only sounds like Warrel Dane at times. Personally, from what I've heard between Nevermore and Communic, I prefer Communic. I also think that Communic is quite different from Nevermore, and only has some similarities.
Another new band for me + Another band that I'm liking what I'm hearing + Another CD to add to the "to get sooner than later list".

The band, and esp the vocalist remind me of a "slightly" more subdued Nevermore and Warrel Dane. :)
Same here on all counts! Although I think I prefer these guys over Nevermore. I loved Sanctuary but never really got into Nevermore. Not sure why... I will definitely be checking their set out!
Before anyone assumes that I swap spit with Claus, I'm just as surprised as anyone about the number of Intromental bands this year. I do have a good business relationship with him, but it is not a guarantee if the quality is not there.

Communic is the only Intromental band I thought would be here this year. Redemption signed with Claus after I already had them targeted and Raintime simply came out of nowhere to kick my ass.

Cool thanks for the heads up. I was really curious about this myself but I didnt wanna ask and come off like I was trying to be a dick, because it definately wouldnt have been my intention.
Yeah, that's the common comparison. The singer for Communic only sounds like Warrel Dane at times. Personally, from what I've heard between Nevermore and Communic, I prefer Communic. I also think that Communic is quite different from Nevermore, and only has some similarities.

I have to agree here...Communic seems alot more progressive to me...I also think the singer is way above Dane in talent.
Another new band for me + Another band that I'm liking what I'm hearing + Another CD to add to the "to get sooner than later list".

Wow! It didn't take long for me to place my order - exactly as long as it took me to listen to all 4 songs on their page:

Boogied over to and bought both their discs, after listenting to, "They Feed on our Fear" from their debut. From what I've heard so far, I like their debut as much as their latest which Glenn recommended first. After I picked up both of those discs, I bought the newest Firewind with bonus tracks.

Ca-ching! Zane and Ken must love these band announcements as much as we do! :lol:
Save some room (on the otherside) for me or I'll make you my bleeding vicitim.


You got it!!!!! You, Colleen, Todd, Tammy, Hoyt, and myself all together down front OH MY GOD!!!!!! watch out, plus we will be in the same place for our Freaky Brothers in FREAK KITCHEN, plus we can't forget J-DUBYA.:kickass: :rock: :Smokin: :kickass: :rock:
You got it!!!!! You, Colleen, Todd, Tammy, Hoyt, and myself all together down front OH MY GOD!!!!!! watch out, plus we will be in the same place for our Freaky Brothers in FREAK KITCHEN, plus we can't forget J-DUBYA.:kickass: :rock: :Smokin: :kickass: :rock:

J-man, you forgot to add a second Todd on there... I'm sure it was just a simple oversight. :lol: Can't wait to see you all!
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The band that Glenn gets for Saturday in the 3 better be some kind of god like band because Communic and Firewind are going to kill me and I am going to need to be resurrected and......

BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!