+1 for THAT. lol.
Orphaned Land & Adagio!
concerning 'returning' bands...
+2 for Adagio.

I missed them the first time because I didn't
think I cared for their sound. Plus I arrived late that Saturday and missed most of their set anyway. But since DOMINATE has gotten my full undivided attention, I am backtracking their catalog to see what else I snubbed.

(shame on me) ...add Pagan's Mind as an alternate option since I'm greedy that way.

And/or I could live with a return of Orphaned Land. They did a great job a couple of years ago.
As far as bands who haven't been here yet... Nocturnal Rites, Morgana LeFay, Avian, or Dark Empire would be good choices IMHO. Then there's Iced Earth - who have never played such a scene in the U.S. Could you imagine them pulling off a Saturday night headlining 2-hour(+) show? Holy Mary, Mother of God!

Center Stage would have to be rebuilt after that one! LMAO
I'm not familiar enough with prog-metal, but I know I like the sound of Spheric Universe Experience, Cloudscape, and Evergrace to a few.
At this point, whatever Glenn has up his sleeve is sure to blow our collective socks off!

Face it, somehow he does it every year. And it's why we keep coming back for more!