Band #5 confirmed...

You got it!!!!! You, Colleen, Todd, Tammy, Hoyt, and myself all together down front OH MY GOD!!!!!! watch out, plus we will be in the same place for our Freaky Brothers in FREAK KITCHEN, plus we can't forget J-DUBYA.:kickass: :rock: :Smokin: :kickass: :rock:

I'll be there with bells & whistles on my brother! :rock:

Holy Nevermore copycat, Batman. Not that impressed.

Hhmm...l keep seeing the comparisons to Nevermore, but l'm thinking it's not a fair one. Yes there are some hints there, but l hear more hints of a heavier Pain of Salvation i.e. Wastefall to Communic's sound. Maybe it's just me. But believe me when l say...if they were a dead on NM clone it wouldn't be in my rotation. My indifference with NM is well documented on this forum.
Hhmm...l keep seeing the comparisons to Nevermore, but l'm thinking it's not a fair one. Yes there are some hints there, but l hear more hints of a heavier Pain of Salvation i.e. Wastefall to Communic's sound. Maybe it's just me. But believe me when l say...if they were a dead on NM clone it wouldn't be in my rotation. My indifference with NM is well documented on this forum.

I don't hear any hints of PoS, but then again I have only listened to about 4 PoS songs ever - and was never impressed. I never heard anything remotely 'heavy' in their music. But then again, just as your indifference with Nevermore is documented here on the forums, so is my indifference to PoS. So we'll just have to agree to disagree. ;)

Concerning the history of 'Nevermore Clone' comments - The first time I ever heard a Communic song was a download from their first ep and the song Ocean Bed. The first time I replayed that song for my nephew - who is a guitarist and a Loomis worshipper - his comment was "is that a new nevermore song?". That was until the vocals kicked in. Then he knew it was something else.

I believe Communic's earlier material was heavily influenced by the sound that Nevermore so greatly represents: technical thrash metal; and not Nevermore themselves. So the similarities end there. I love Communic's sound. And I love Nevermore's sound (and prior to that - Sanctuary). They are two different bands with 'similar' elements. But neither one is a pure clone of the other.

If someone here on the forums 'hates' Nevermore and subsequently refuses to give Communic a chance because of the clone comments, do yourself a favor and give them a listen. Because they do not deserve to be lumped into a category because of simple similarities in a genre.

I've never agreed with Ascension's constant attacks on Nevermore, but I was pleasantly surprised by his above comments and respect him for those. Now I may have to go check out PoS again after my constant snubbing of them. :p

Damn you, Ascension! ;)
I don't see any Nevermore in there to be honest.

But then again I can't stand Nevermore. Actually, let me rephrase that, I can't stand the vocalist of Nevermore. The guy couldn't carry a tune if he was given a solid bucket.

Maybe they should follow in Nightwishs footsteps and get rid of their vocalist. THEN I might check them out.

I am a vocalist snob. Even if the musicans are the best in the world, one wrong vocalist and it can and will ruin the whole band for me.

(Waits for flaming to start)

... I can't stand Nevermore. ...I can't stand the vocalist of Nevermore.

(Waits for flaming to start)


no flamethrower here... but I do have a water balloon handy :heh:

I actually agree with you concerning the comment about vocalists ruining the whole band. That is my issue with Evergrey. I love their music. I love their stage presence. But I cannot take more than half a song of Tom's vocals. :ill: I won't say he can't carry a tune, but the whole 'Joe Cocker' sound doesn't do anything for me, and in my opinion doesn't belong at all in metal. It's like nails on a chalk board. :zombie:

So I can understand your opinion (and a few others here) on Warrel's sound. But I love their music and the vocals; always have, always will.

back on topic:

But Communic has a nice balance of heavy, thrashy, intelligent music and a nice range of vocals that FIT each other. Agreed? :cool:
no flamethrower here... but I do have a water balloon handy :heh:

I actually agree with you concerning the comment about vocalists ruining the whole band. That is my issue with Evergrey. I love their music. I love their stage presence. But I cannot take more than half a song of Tom's vocals. :ill: I won't say he can't carry a tune, but the whole 'Joe Cocker' sound doesn't do anything for me, and in my opinion doesn't belong at all in metal. It's like nails on a chalk board. :zombie:

So I can understand your opinion (and a few others here) on Warrel's sound. But I love their music and the vocals; always have, always will.

back on topic:

But Communic has a nice balance of heavy, thrashy, intelligent music and a nice range of vocals that FIT each other. Agreed? :cool:

What a killer idea for an after party! Water Balloon (or booze balloon) fights!

Agreed on Communic!

no flamethrower here... but I do have a water balloon handy :heh:

I actually agree with you concerning the comment about vocalists ruining the whole band. That is my issue with Evergrey. I love their music. I love their stage presence. But I cannot take more than half a song of Tom's vocals. :ill: I won't say he can't carry a tune, but the whole 'Joe Cocker' sound doesn't do anything for me, and in my opinion doesn't belong at all in metal. It's like nails on a chalk board. :zombie:

I'm kind of feeling that way with all the Virgine Steele stuff I've heard so far. There's something odd in the WAY he sings that just annoys me when I'm trying to listen to their music.
Oh God... what have I done? :ill:



Just a different twist on Chicago Powerfest 2005:



Granted Warrel's vocals are an acquired taste - some love em, some hate em and some tolerate them because the music is so good. I hear some similarities to the vocals in Communic, but not throughout all of it. There are some points where the tone/delivery are the same - not in a bad way, but if you dont like Sanctuary/Nevermore you may have a few moments of WTF was that. All told -I'm psyched aobut seeing Communic - liek was said earlier - if you are not gonna give these guys a chance because you don't like the comparisons to Nevermore - I'd say give a few different tunes a listen.

And since the Hampton screwed us by being closed for the Fest last year (and therefore kept the proposed Luggage Cart Chariot Races down the hill from occuring) - I think a water balloon or squirt guyn fight would be an AWESOME idea :):rock:

Awesome! Thanks to eMusic, I was able to download both of thier complete albums (including the two bonus tracks on Waves of Visual Decay). I am currently listening to "Communication Sublime" from thier Consiparcy In Mind. Really awesome and tight sound, with some beautiful guitar work and excellent vocals.

I am very impressed indeed and now definitly looking forward to seeing this guys live. An excellent choice to add to an already awesome lineup thus far. Will be very interesting to see who will fill in the Saturday night headliner as well as the number 2 spots for both Fri and Sat.

And to add - as for being a "Nevermore copycat", I just don't hear it, and yes, I've heard Nevermore (as well as actually seen them). I always though Nevermore was more of a hardcore "thrash" type band, but these guys are definitly coming off as a much more progressive (as somebody so nicely put it - a harder "Pain of Salvation" so to speak) type sound. From what I've heard thus far (listened to the first 4 track and well in #5 of Conspiracy In Mind), I really like thier sound, including the vocals.
Awesome! Thanks to eMusic, I was able to download both of thier complete albums (including the two bonus tracks on Waves of Visual Decay). I am currently listening to "Communication Sublime" from thier Consiparcy In Mind. Really awesome and tight sound, with some beautiful guitar work and excellent vocals.

Dang.. my eMusic account resets tomorrow. Guess where I'm going tomorrow morning...:mad:

I am very impressed indeed and now definately looking forward to seeing this guys live. An excellent choice to add to an already awesome lineup thus far. Will be very interesting to see who will fill in the Saturday night headliner as well as the number 2 spots for both Fri and Sat.

Definately heavy on the prog side (which I know you like). But not too prog that I don't like them either (unlike Zero Hour, which I could not get into at all). Very talented band. Always like it when Glenn finds a diamond in the rough. I think this band fits that niche perfectly. :)
Definately heavy on the prog side (which I know you like). But not too prog that I don't like them either (unlike Zero Hour, which I could not get into at all). Very talented band. Always like it when Glenn finds a diamond in the rough. I think this band fits that niche perfectly. :)

If only you could hear them on my home system! :OMG: :rock:
Saw 'em at PP Europe this year, and they blew me away. Soooo much better live than I thought they would be. I'd not heard the CD much, but live they exceeded all my expectations. They're the kind of band that just drag you in and demand 100% of your attention.

...another band to play all three ProgPowers :rock:
Volcane, thanks for chiming in with your experience witnessing this band at PP EU. Makes me even more interested to see what they can do. Hopefully, they can have the same impact on the PP USA crowd. l'm looking forward to it.