Compilation 3 Closed - Artwork Needed

Nocturnal Leaf = A leaf that thrives in darkness rather than requiring sunlight to survive, such as wormwood, wisteria vine and winter jasmine:D

and 'Leafe' would be the way the band 'Fall of the Leafe' happens to spell it.
send artwork to

be sure to write in the heading that the attatchment is artwork otherwise I wont open it

title is

Antimatter Forum Compiation v3

May 2004

Just enter front covers. If you win you can do the back cover which should be kept blank with just the titles of the tracks and the people who uploaded them.

Winner gets to be this compilation. Runner up gets to be Comp v2, and 3rd place gets to be the cover of the very first comp from last year
:D :D :D Thank you very much, i think it could be an antimatter (maybe) cover whether it ends up the winner or not:Spin:
wait till u see my sheep mick ... it may bring a tear to those hardened metal eyes. or u may piss yer pants laffin either way I have made an impact thus I win over leafe boy!