Compressing kick

a chain that works for me:
expander - eq - limiter - eq - compressor

the limiter for the consistant level and the compressor for waveshaping - slow attack, fast release
do you want the compression to affect the eq, or the eq to affect the compression.
I usually try both ways. to see if there is a difference in sound, and if I like it.
If I really need to, I'll filter what I don't need, compress, and boost what I want more of.

SPTZ don't use summed mono
do you want the compression to affect the eq, or the eq to affect the compression.
I usually try both ways. to see if there is a difference in sound, and if I like it.
If I really need to, I'll filter what I don't need, compress, and boost what I want more of.

SPTZ don't use summed mono

Why not? I'm bouncing mono tracks, guitars, kick, snare, etc... if I do multiple mono it will be 2 files... but why do I want that? It's all in mono panned center, no processing. Why not use summed mono?

Anyone? I kinda need to know now. I'm just bouncing tracked guitars, but if they're mono, why use multiple mono? It will create 2 files, L and R :|
someone plz?

Hm... in Bouncing Source there is: Analog Stereo, and Analog 1 or 2, if I choose for example, Analog 1 there is no mono summed or anything, just mono. Should I do that? Instead of Analog Stereo and Mono summed? Although the tracks ARE mono so I still don't understand why this would happen :X

edit: I just did a quick test, and yeah, with Bouncing source: Analog Stereo and Mono Summed it mixes 2 mono signals into one... wtf?
While with Bouncing Source: Analog 1 and Mono, it's just 1 signal... lol.
What are you aiming for?

Compression to fix dynamics, Compression for effect, i.e more attack/punch?

I eq pre and post compression for different reasons. Pre, to remove muddy/unwanted frequences before compression stage. Post, to shape and colour the sound to suit the mix.
Ammmm maybe you should spend a few hours reading and messing around with pro tools to get to know it- bouncing options, signal chains, aux's etc.. that kinda of stuff instead of asking it on here for them- you'll understand it alot better by messing around with it and getting your head around it in your own way.

I find what helps bring out the kick more evenly is to parallel compress the kick and use a little comp on the kick track too, I cut the lows a fair bit on the parallel track and try both eq before and after the kick to see which sounds better for that kick, what'll help bring it out too is if you do a narrow boost around 40-70 where ever the power is, do a cut at double that( the octave) an then to do the opposite on the bass, boost where you cut the kick and cut where you boosted,
The clicky part of the kick will make a huge difference to it cutting too,