Computer breakdown


Hit'er in the shitter
Dec 12, 2005
So, I got my HDSP9652 today. Boy, was I happy... But as always when it comes to computers nothing works. When I finally managed to get the card to fit into a slot I used the new hardware wizard as said in the instructions. Ok, no suitable driver found even though I selected the path manually. Downloaded the newest and the computer finally installed it.

It seems the drivers to the soundcard on the motherboard have just vanished from the computer. I just can not get it to function again. I tried to install, uninstall and reinstall from the motherboard CD but the it says "driver could not be found".. Hell, it worked earlier today...

So I thought, ok I'll format the computer and start all over again (this time with the HDSP already in place)... Ok, I updated to SP1, installed the motherboard drivers (4in1, chipset audio lan and usb). Still no audio, and it doesn't even complain in the devicemanager, but when i run winamp I get alerts. So I installed the HDSP drivers again and now it spits out audio through there, but I dint want the winamp/games/video-audio to come through that soundcard....

What the heck is wrong??
Yeah I know, but now it's all gray, I can't check the "view icon"-box or anything. I can see HDSP in the device menu (in, out and midi) but no SoundMax or AC'97 or what it's called. It just won't install
Ok. I pulled out the card today and tried to install the AC'97 drivers. No problems at all, everything worked as normal again. So I turned off the computer and installed the HDSP card again and when I rebooted the drivers way gone again...
I'm no computer expert at all so I don't understand why I can't have both drivers. I seem to be the first person having this problem
Check in the device manager, that the IRQ/DMA's aren't conflicting. Check what your onboard sound device is set to when it's working, and then check what the RME is set to when you plug it in. This might be your problem, even though device manager isn't throwing up a confict error. If that fails to solve your problem, then contact RME, your motherboard chipset might not like this RME card.
Nope, it doesn't seem to be any problem. But as I said, i'm no expert when it comes to computers.
E-mailed RME yesterday but haven't heard from them yet.
My motherboard is an ASUS with VIA chipset, and as far as I know it is not the best chipset for a music computer.. But that's what I have at the moment... :(
Nope, it doesn't seem to be any problem. But as I said, i'm no expert when it comes to computers.
E-mailed RME yesterday but haven't heard from them yet.
My motherboard is an ASUS with VIA chipset, and as far as I know it is not the best chipset for a music computer.. But that's what I have at the moment... :(
I had to switch mine out. I ended up gettin an MSI. Now my PC's as fast as my Macbook, only problem is it crashes a couple of times a week of course.
Problems with the motherboard or HDSP, or both, or what? :)

I'm gonna buy a new computer sometime this year, and yes, probably with an MSI. But money...
I was using a motherboard chipset that was incompatible with Pro Tools and it was causing me to have greatly reduced track counts and plugins. It was also causing Nuendo to go into somne sort of epileptic seizure. It was awesome for games tho :lol:
I'm looking at the box right now and I got an MSI 945P Neo3 and it's really impressed me, you should check it out.

Oh and I'm not running the HDSP just so you know, I just figured I'd throw out the fact that I was working with a shit system for nearly a year heh