Computer from scratch, help?


Jun 13, 2007
Been lurking around this forum for a good while now, its helped me alot. :rock:
Just got myself a firepod and now i want a computer to really use it with.
I want to build it cause it seems easy enough to put together, cheaper and easier to tailor to what i want. I don't really know an awful lot about them so i figured i'd ask here for help. I'd like to mainly have it for audio and video editing and recording.

Basically could ye tell me what components i should get, i won't have tons of money for it but i should have a good few hundred, i have a few older computers lying about so i reckon i can use the case,keyboard and monitors from these, maybe more? I'll need firewire and enough power to cope.

Oh yeah i live in ireland so i'll more than likely buying the whole thing on the net
Just don't go cheap on the power supply, RAM, and motherboard.... Those will get you every time.... Buy a decent ASUS or MSI board. Don't use 'value ram', rather use something like Corsair XMS. You can never go wrong with an Antec power supply, try to get one with all the connectors you need and make sure it has dual +12v rails, and make sure you get one rated for MORE than the actual wattage you need.... Grab 1 or 2 decent SATA drives, and you don't need to get all expensive with your CD-drive. The rackmount computer I just built has great components, and only cost me about $700. It has better parts than those $3000+ Dell's.....
Any ASUS board you buy new should have a FireWire plug already, so you'll be fine there.

Get a good dual-core CPU. Don't go for 64-bit, you're not going to need (or be able to use, more than likely) the extra capability. Get 2-4 gigs of good RAM (DDR800, dual-channel - and make sure your motherboard supports it) and at least a 250GB SATA drive.

Buy it ALL from Newegg. You're probably going to pay too much anywhere else and OEM is more than fine unless you really like having tons of pretty packaging laying around.

Any ASUS board you buy new should have a FireWire plug already, so you'll be fine there.

Get a good dual-core CPU. Don't go for 64-bit, you're not going to need (or be able to use, more than likely) the extra capability. Get 2-4 gigs of good RAM (DDR800, dual-channel - and make sure your motherboard supports it) and at least a 250GB SATA drive.

Buy it ALL from Newegg. You're probably going to pay too much anywhere else and OEM is more than fine unless you really like having tons of pretty packaging laying around.


Good call on newegg, I get all my junkz from there.....
ha....funny this post comes along cause I'm having some issues with my PC and I'm thinking about building one myself so I KNOW that everything in it is up-to-par.:Saint:

I myself am looking at:

all newegg....

Aspire Qpack2 Case w/500 watt PS - $98
Intel Q6700 "quadcore 2.66ghz each" - $555
Gigabyte G33 MicroATX mobo - $135
Gskill 2gb ram 4 timing - $105
ASUS EN8600GT Silent 256MB Vidcard - $135
WD 500gb HD - $110

that comes to $1138.....

I may look into some more paasive cooling... I don't like super loud PCs. And that motherboard is pernyn capable. So I can upgrade to Intel's 45nm CPU when they arrive and prove to kick even more ass.:hypno: